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"H-h-Hobi I need you to pick me up" Jungkook stuttered. Hoseok who was in his car was confused "What's wrong?" He asked furrowing his brow.

"I was f-f-fired" he sniffles "they were being really mean and I'm hiding in the bathroom," the beta said, "can you please come get me?" He asked.

"Let me call you back baby. I'll figure something out" Hoseok said hanging up. He called Jin. "Baby, can you go pick up Jungkook? He got fired and he isn't ok I think he is hiding in the bathroom somewhere and I can't leave my shift"

"No my boss is here Hobi, call Namjoon. It's important I stay here or I risk losing my job as well" the other alpha said apologetically and hung up.

Hoseok dialed the other alphas number "Hey Hobi Jimin and I were just talking about you" Namjoon told him happily.

"I need a favor. Jungkook got fired and Jin and I can't leave to go pick him up. He is hiding in a bathroom" Hoseok said remorsefully. "I'm really sorry to ask you this"

"No don't be sorry it's alright I'll help. Just send me the address and I'll walk down there and walk him home" Namjoon told him. "I'll leave Tae and Jiminie with Yoongi"

"Thanks, I really appreciate it" Hoseok sighed tiredly. "No problem Seokie," Namjoon said hanging up.

Jungkook had locked himself in the bathroom and was crying his eyes out because of the nasty things they had said to him. He sniffled and wiped his nose across his sleeve looking down at the tiles on the floor. "Jungkook are you in here?"

The beta wiped his eyes and opened the door seeing the other alpha. "Who do I need to beat up for making you cry?" Namjoon suddenly asked pulling the beta into his arms. He just looked so broken.

"I just want to go home" he murmured meekly. Namjoon picked him up giving him a piggyback ride on their way out of the building.

"Fucking sluts"

Jungkook buried his face in his neck "do not turn around keep walking" the beta told him and respecting his wishes Namjoon walked all the way back to his house before asking questions. He helped clean his face, got him some food and water and a blanket and cuddled on the couch "do you want to talk about it?" The alpha was unfamiliar to snuggle with but calming all the same as he fits his head under his chin as he does with Jin and Hoseokie.

He took a deep breath willing himself not to cry. "Our pack here doesn't really like us. We really didn't do anything wrong and it's not the fact that there are many of us in this relationship it's because Hoseok's parents used to be on the council and they were awful and got kicked off and took it out on him and now that he is with us they dislike us as well...more so now that we brought a different pack here...kept calling me nasty names as they fired me for not representing them good enough because I set a bad example" he finished.

"What the actual fuck you didn't even do anything wrong," he said confused.

"I don't know...but I'm scared. They told me they didn't want to see me again and that people like us shouldn't be allowed in this pack since we are disloyal...I don't want to be kicked out" he said clutching onto Namjoon's shirt.

The alphas larger hand rubbed up and down his back soothingly "I'll help you guys with whatever I can. If you get kicked out you can come live with me. If you need money. I can spare you some of that too" he assured him.

The beta closed his eyes nuzzling his nose into his chest. "It's too expensive to live here Joon. That's why I had to get a job. Jin and Hoseok can make it work for a while but if the council wants us out they will do it" he started crying again. His body rocking with silent sobs.

Namjoon held him until he quieted down a bit whispering sweet words "calm down baby it's ok. We are going to take care of everything so you don't have to"

Jungkook eventually fell asleep on his chest with dried tears streaking his face. Hoseok walked in looking at the two on the couch being quiet when he saw the male hold a finger to his lips signaling him to be silent.

"How is he?" Hoseok asked crouching down and gently stroking Jungkook's cheek. "It seriously seems like your pack has some serious issues for bullying him for doing absolutely nothing," he told him seriously "and he was more worried about money and how he was scared that they were going to kick you guys out of the pack," he told him truthfully looking into his dark eyes.

"Jin and I will make ends meet we will just have to be more money-conscious," he said standing up and brushing a hand through his hair. "Do you want a ride back to the hospital or would you prefer an actual bed tonight?" Hoseok asked. "I can change the sheets on ours and you can use it. We can sleep out here you must be sore from the chair"

"I don't want to be intrusive, I'll just sleep on the couch if that's ok" he smiled gently reaching out and taking Hoseok's hand in his and intertwining their fingers together.

"Alrighty, but don't complain when your back hurts," he said looking down at Jungkook who was peacefully sleeping not wanting to wake him up.

"I'll send him up to bed when he wakes up"

Jungkook didn't ever wake up and ended up sleeping next to the alpha on the couch all night.

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