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"Where is Kookie?" Namjoon asked "and Jimin? I've not seen them since I got home" he said quiet concerned as they were putting dinner on the table.

"In the bedroom. Jimin definitely topped Kook" Jin said walking behind him to put an extra dish away.

"Wow um ok I'll go get them" he said before a hand was placed on his chest stopping him. "I'll get them" Hobi said leaving.

Hoseok tentatively knocked on the door before entering. "Knock Knock sunshines it's dinner time" he said walking over to the lump on the bed. He peeled back the covers grimacing at the smell of sex and seeing that they didn't clean up before going to bed.

"Go hop in the shower before coming to dinner babes" he said petting their hair. Jimin sat up and stretched with a big yawn leaning over and pressing a big kiss onto Hoseok's mouth before climbing off the bed and heading into the bathroom to shower.

"Kookie baby wake up" he said petting his hair. "He's probably tired because he hasn't been sleeping or resting much and then after the sex he just fell asleep" Jimin said walking in naked while drying his hair off.

Hoseok nodded holding open his arms as the smaller boy walked into them hugging him tightly. "Go eat dinner I'll take care of Kook and we'll be there in a bit" he said pecking the top of his head.

Jimin nodded leaning up again and puckering his lips "only if I get another kiss" Hoseok laughed and kissed up hard and quick before patting his bare bottom "now go get dressed and go eat supper"

The omega hummed a happy song as he got ready and went to join the others. "Is he gone?" Jungkook's asked.

"Yeah, why were you fake sleeping?" Hoseok asked helping him sit up.

"I'm embarrassed" he said honestly as Hoseok picked him up like a baby and carried him to the bathroom where he began cleaning him up in the tub.

"Eventually everyone will know anyways" he chuckled.

"He goes just as hard as you do and you know I don't like walking when my butt and legs feel like that" he whined as the alpha cleaned him up and started towel drying him.

"I know" he cooed at him as he donned him in one of Namjoon's shirts and pants because he wasn't going to walk all the way to the other bedroom. Jungkook held open his hands and was picked up and began carrying him downstairs.

"Oh look the baby boy has arrived" Namjoon teased him with a cheesy grin. "Shut up" Jungkook grumbled "Don't forget I fucked you once"

Jin laughed at that patting his lap. Hoseok sat Jungkook down with Jin and took his own seat. "Thanks for dinner" he said before looking up seeing everyone staring at him.

"What?" He asked quite confused.

Yoongi leaned closer "you smell funny" he said.

"I literally just took a shower guys" he frowned crossing his arms and leaning into Jin. Taehyung also looked confused. Betas couldn't smell scents as strongly as the others but he could definitely smell that the younger did indeed smell differently.

"No you don't stink you just smell...not like you, well like you but much stronger" the beta said.

"Well I don't know but stop staring at me" he said flicking Namjoon in the head.

"You know it kinda reminds me of what happens when the omegas go-" Namjoon stopped himself and started long and hard at Jungkook making him uncomfortable.

Taehyung stood up and pushed the alphas face away from Kook and pulled his fellow beta into his lap away from everyone else. "They are being weird" Kook said.

"You smell like you're in heat, but you can't be since you're a beta" Yoongi said finishing Namjoon's thought.

"Well maybe my body's just cleaning it's scent glands or something since I am a beta" he said leaning into Taehyung who fed him a berry.

"But like you really do smell like that" Namjoon said shifting from side to side in his chair anxiously as he stared at him. "It's really freaking me out. Should you go to the doctor?" He asked looking around at the table.

Jimin shrugged "he is probably right about his scent glands just releasing a bit too much" he told the alpha "leave him alone I wouldn't like to be stared at as I ate"

"Ok" he said suspiciously as he kept eating occasionally throwing a glance at the beta.

Lunch came and went and the group was sitting on the couch together watching tv, playing on their phone perhaps. Yoongi and Jimin doing a puzzle again. "I don't understand how you do those they suck" Taehyung said sliding off the couch and onto the floor rolling until he could pull Jimin into his lap.

"Well we just like them and we have a brain" he teased the beta. "Come sit with me TaeTae" Yoongi grinned.

"No stay with me" Jimin whined holding onto him so he couldn't leave.

"I'll come sit with you" Jin said plopping down behind Yoongi and sliding around him like a teddy bear. The smaller omega blushed a bit and leaned back into his chest placing another piece of the puzzle down. Nobody was saying anything but Jungkook's scent had gotten stronger.

"Baby are you alright? You look flush" Hoseok said walking into the living room after using the restroom. Jungkook nodded "I'm just kinda warm. Am I running a fever?" He asked as Hoseok placed his cool hand against his forehead.

"I think we should take you to the doctor baby" he said crouching down next to him and pushing his hair out of his face. Namjoon frowned and walked over to him getting on one side peering at him. "Maybe your body is trying to tell you something" he said quietly.

"I just don't feel like going there" he pouted "I don't even feel that bad, just kinda warm and sleepy"

"Let's go just in case. I'll carry you and on the way home I'll buy you ice cream"

"You don't even have a full hospital here how are we supposed to do anything?" The beta pouted trying to get out of it.

"We have a clinic and if they think it's serious they have a car drive us to the nearest hospital" Namjoon informed him since he had been living here since birth.

"Fine" he sighed holding up his arms and getting picked up. He wouldn't fight them but he also wasn't in the best mood.

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