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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open when he felt someone poking his cheek. He groaned softly sleepily as he wiggled around stretching and turning to look at Yoongi who was smiling at him "hey help me pick my cast color" he said excitedly. He sat up and looked around noticing Namjoon and Jimin were not around.

"They went down to grab some food and brush their teeth. Joonie told us to let you sleep but I really wanted you to help me decide on my cast color" he explained. Taehyung nodded scratching his sleep-filled head and rubbed his eyes. "Sit up here with me," the omega said patting the edge of the bed.

Once seated beside him Yoongi pulled out the little packet that showed he various colors. "Definitely not the orange," he said looking at the neon color making the omega giggle "yeah not a fan of that color being stuck on me for a few weeks...hmmm maybe this pretty purple and when I come back in a few weeks to change the cast I can do white and then black and then blue," he said looking at his favorite colors.

"I like that idea" the beta yawned leaning back on his pillow and closing his eyes again only to be wacked on the tummy by the older omega. "No sleeping"

"Why?" He pouted cutely trying to get his way because it normally worked on everyone. "You're not two. I need to not be bored so stay awake"

"Cuddle me" Taehyung whined not wanting to be awake. Yoongi gave in going to lay on his chest when suddenly the beta moved turning so that his back was facing the omega and he pulled his arm over him making the smaller boy the big spoon.

"You have baby boy energy" Yoongi murmured laying beside him and playing with his dark hair. "Only sometimes" he muttered sleepily. "Sometimes I'm hot as fuck"

"You're always hot as fuck dork," Yoongi said rubbing his hair causing him to fall asleep peacefully by the time the other two walked in staring at the omega spooning the beta and playing with his hair. Switched positions like that were not common. "Aw he is so cute sleeping," Jimin said taking a picture and sending it in the group chat.

Namjoon nodded smiling as he sat in the comfy chair pulling the other omega into a hug kissing his shoulder. "Did you decide on which color you wanted?" The alpha asked the injured one.

"Yes the light purple," he said happily.

consequences ᵇᵗˢ ᵖᵒˡʸTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon