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Hoseok ended the call causing suspicion from all his mates due to his low talking. "Who was that?" Jin asked as he continued to eat the dinner he and Tae had prepared for them. "Nothing important," he said softly and took a bite of green beans. "Bull shit," Jungkook said sipping some milk.

Hoseok rolled his eyes "I'll tell you when it's important" he told them looking up to see all three of his mates staring at him with such intensity. "Tell me now or I'll not cuddle you until you you do" Taebear threatened seriously and he knew better than the shrug it off because he knows his betas can hold grudges.

He sighed softly rubbing the space between his eyes. "Okok" he gave in his gaze flickering up once more to see satisfaction clearly written across their faces. "So I asked for next week off...and I called Namjoon...and we are going to vacation at their house for a week without any electronics. Just us" he said. "And you really thought it would be wise to keep this a secret when some of us also work and have to ask for time off?" Jungkook asked. "I'm still not snuggling with you" he pouted as he violently stabbed a noodle eating it.

Hoseok chuckled and shrugged "whatever you love my cuddles," he said sipping his tea. "I'll go cut a hole in all of your socks," the youngest said with an unwavering gaze. Hoseok raised an eyebrow in a challenge.

Two hours later while Hoseok was watching a movie Jungkook and Jin were upstairs hole punching socks. Well, Jin wasn't doing it but he also wasn't stopping it he was just casually watching the massacre happen. Jungkook was humming a little song before finishing his revenge and hiding the evidence before bouncing on the bed beside his alpha.

He smiled down at him as Jin wrapped his arm around him his hand sliding to casually rest his hand on his bottom. Jungkook chuckled and laid his head down on his broad chest listening to him breathe as they stayed silent the only sound was the tv playing downstairs. After a few moments Jungkook yawned "I love you" he murmured trailing his finger down his chest through the grey fabric of his shirt. The small bit of light shown through their curtains lighting up the dust that sometimes floated just right so that they could see it.

"I love you too Kookie...you worry me sometimes though. Like I can feel when you're upset and as of late you've been upset a lot" his alpha said softly as he caressed his hair massaging his scalp. "You can talk to me you know that right?" He asked. Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes nuzzling into him "I know it's just weird and I'm awkward" he whispered. "Well I'm here to listen no matter how awkward my little Kookie is," he said.

Jungkook was silent for some time "I'm just upset about some things. I know we need the money which is why we all work...and I love Taehyung but it hurts my feelings that he is more babied than me" he said honestly. "Sometimes I just want to be the one who doesn't have to go to work and then get brought gifts," he said softly "and then sometimes I want to be the dominant one when Tae and I are together but he laughs at me saying I'm too cute and then we end up just sucking each other off" he finishes as Jin pets his hair calmly. "Is there something I can do to make it better?" Jin asked wanting to comfort him but he couldn't make Tae get a job especially when Hobi tells everyone he doesn't need to get one.

"Just sometimes cuddle me or bring me ice cream without me asking for it," Jungkook said trying not to be complicated. "I love you, you know that right?" Jin asked down at him. "I know," the younger said kissing his chin and laying his head back down on his chest. "Is there anything you want to talk about to get off your chest?" Jungkook asked lending an ear. Jin smiled softly "sometimes I wish Hobi would just let me be dominant over him. I think that would be cool" He snickered softly causing Jungkook to laugh "you know that would never happen kinky little boy" he teased their alpha who wasn't there to defend himself. "You're right, he is even tougher on me that you two" he huffed childishly as Jungkook laughed at him.

"Well I mean you always sound like you like it. Maybe you're an omega stuck in an alpha body" Jungkook said hugging him tighter. "Hush up," he said shaking his head and leaning onto the top of his head. "Let me try fucking you and see if you like it with everyone," he said sitting up onto his knees seeing contemplation on the alpha's face before he looked to the side almost bashfully. "Fine but don't tell anyone," he said and Jungkook's whole face lit up as he started tugging their clothes off super excited. 

"Dude you've gotta put me in the mood first don't just push it in that would hurt," he said with a pout. Jungkook nodded and leaned down kissing him "don't call me dude when I'm about to fuck you," he says seriously as he kissed him harder. And Jin was completely shocked by the change in attitude but was mildly turned on. "Fine what would you prefer I call you?" He asked to be a smartass. "I've heard Hoseok make you call him sir. I want to try on the name" he said. Jin rolled his eyes "no you're not a sir if anything you're a daddy" he said cringing a bit but Jungkook only smirked confidently. "Fine call me daddy baby boy," he said smacking his ass cheek and kissing him again.

"I regret this already"

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