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"Aww look at baby Kookie"

Jungkook recognized that haunting voice. Jimin. He yawned and rubbed his eyes blinking open seeing everyone looking at him. He sat up and turned seeing Namjoon staring down at him and it took him a moment to realize he had fallen asleep on him.

"Gross" he mumbled turning away. "Jin" he whined opening his arms wanting the comfort of his mate. Jimin was just smiling at him in a creepy way.

"I'm hungry," Tae said walking in and seeing Jin holding Kook like a baby. He sat beside him kissing the betas lips "do you feel better?" He asked and the younger nodded looking over at Joon to see if he would reveal his secret which he didn't he just winked and stood up. "So what do you want to make for lunch? We have to go to the farmers market today since we really have nothing" he told them.

"Well, we really only have 2 more days before we need to go back so you can choose," Hoseok said walking in and leaning on Tae's head.

"I'll cook" Yoongi volunteered "but someone has to go to the market with me"

"Of course omegas never walk alone around here. We are a closely-knit pack but you never know" Namjoon said "you want to come" he asked Jungkook who looked uncertain because it hurt to walk but he really wanted to see the village. "I'll carry you, baby," Jin said softly rubbing his back up and down soothingly as he leaned into his side kissing his cheek.

"Yes please," he asked softly wrapping his arms around his neck as Jin picked him up following Namjoon outside. They started walking down the road "OH Joonie please can I have some strawberries?" Yoongi asked jumping up and down as the passed by a stand before they made it into the marketplace.

Namjoon nodded and glanced at the beta and alpha "Do you two want anything?" he asked with a smile as he pulled out his wallet. Jungkook nodded. "Yes please," his alpha said watching as Namjoon walked up to the stand and bought a bagful. "We need to eat these before we get back to the others," he said handing them out feeding one to Yoongi.

"Thanks," Jungkook said chewing at the strawberry as they started walking. "Oh wow is that it?" The beta asked in amazement looking around at the stalls of handmade goods. "Yep, it's pretty cool huh?" Namjoon asked reaching over and ruffling Kook's hair. Jin thought it was funny but didn't say anything about it before he looked over startled when Joon fluffed his hair too chuckling.

They ended up walking back with a few bags that Namjoon insisted on holding because he didn't want Jungkook to have to help hold or walk while Jin helped. "I feel like a burden" he whined throwing his arms around Jin pouting because he felt like he wanted to be treated like a baby. "You're not. We asked you to go" Namjoon said softly as Yoongi opened the door for him. "Kook do you want to do a puzzle with me?" The omega asked softly.

"Yeah," he said softly. "Come carry him to my room," he said grabbing Jin's arm dragging up to his room while the alpha chuckled. "You can help too," Yoongi said grabbing one of the biggest puzzles he has so that they will have to spend more time with him. "Is it just the color red?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Indeed it is" he nodded once.

consequences ᵇᵗˢ ᵖᵒˡʸحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن