Chapter Thirty-One

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Ella's POV

Jaxon and I get home around the same time. He step out of his car and I jump into his arms. He pecks me on the lips and I let out a small giggle. Jaxon carries me inside and we begin to make our way to our room. Autumn steps out of her room stopping us in our tracks.

"Ella? Can I talk to you?" Her face is covered in tear streaks. Jaxon lets me down and I take Autumns hand lead us into her room.

"What's up?" She sniffles a little more.

"I'm pregnant," she whispers. I take a step back in shock.

"Holy Fuck! Are you sure?" she nods at me, "Well what do you want to do? Do you want to keep the baby?"

"I'm keeping it!" she shouts.

"Okay," I state cautiously, now knowing how fragile her mindset is. "What do you need? We can talk to Jaxon he will understand? Do you want me to call him in?"

"Please." I leave the room only to find Jaxon waiting outside.

"Did you hear anything?" I question.

"No. Is there anything I should have heard?"

"I'll let Autumn tell you," we walk inside Autumns room and Jaxon glances between the two of us as if to say what's the issue. Autumn breaks the news to Jaxon and needless to say he is shaken. Despite Jaxon's shocked state we begin to plan out what we need to do to insure that Autumn healthily carries the baby to term.

"Autumn do you have any idea who the father is?" Jaxon questions.

"Um, the only guy I've been with recently is Brice. It has to be him I guess." I sigh loudly. Out of all the people in the world my friends baby has to be fathered by the man who hates me the most.

"Okay. Now the question is do you want him to know that it is his child or would you like to keep this between us?" I ask. Autumn looks nervous and I can tell she is conflicted. Personally I wouldn't let Brice know however he and I currently hate each other.

"Can we try and call him?" She whispers.

"Yes but we will need to do it tomorrow because it is really early there. I also know that the three of us are really tired." She nods at my statement. I smile back at her and wish her goodnight. We exit the room and Jaxon grabs my hand. I peer up at him and he is smiling down at me.

Jaxon and I make it back to our room and begin to get ready for bed. He is oddly silent while we get ready and it puzzles me however I just put it on the shock of hearing that Autumn is pregnant. On top of that he has to worry about Brice's reaction to the news tomorrow. I smile at Jaxon and returns it with a weak smile back. Okay now I'm really concerned. We get in bed and Jaxon pulls me to his chest.

"Jaxon what's wrong? And don't give me that I'm fine bullshit!" I spout out.

"Are you really going to stay this time? Like are you going to stay with me?"

"Jaxon I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to worry." I respond snuggling into his chest.

"So are you mine now? Like are you giving us a chance or did those kisses mean nothing?" I can feel his anxiety.

"Yes Jaxon, I'm giving us a chance. Frankly, I think us may last a very long time." He spins me toward him gleefully.

"Really?!" I nod and he hugs me even tighter to his chest. "I love you Ella! I have loved you since I first saw you at your high school!"

"What do you mean high school?" I heard the he loves me part but I still feel like committing to saying I love you, no matter how true it is, would be betraying Hunter. I look up at Jaxon and he looks nervous; I raise my eyebrow.

"Um, so like, I um first saw you when my brother would drop his girl at your school!" He rushes out.

"Okay lets slow it down a little bit and tell me the whole story," I state after not understanding his gibberish.

"So, my brother's girl went to your high school and I would go with him to drop her off because I didn't drive to school. I saw you and my whole world lit up. I knew I wanted you back then so I keep going with my brother just so I could catch a glimpse of you everyday. I wanted to join your school but my dad forbade me from going because I couldn't get away with half the shit I did at my school at yours. Then you just dropped off the map and I lost you. After you left I took control of the gang and we rose to the rank we had. Then a little birdie told me that you came back to town and then you kinda know the rest." He breathes out. I am shocked. I had no idea that he had known about me for so long.

"Wow," I breathe, "Well why didn't you approach me sooner?"

"I didn't want to and then my brother broke the news that he didn't want the gang so I had to step up and take control." I nod my head and place it on his chest.

"Truthfully baby, you wouldn't have scared me off," I mutter out as I fall asleep. 

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now