Chapter Four

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I clamber back through the window and walk out of the room. As I am walking back towards the kitchen I am meet with a very angry looking Cole and Jaxon.

"Hey guys I was just heading to the kitchen to put this ice cream back but if you want it you can have it," I greeted shyly but when I they still look at me like I was going to get a bullet put in my head I throw the ice cream at them and bolted toward the gym. As I was running Jaxon was closing in on me so I tried to kick it up a notch, key word tried, as soon as I was about to go faster he latched on to my waist and tackled me. He throw me over his shoulder and hauled me into some bedroom.

"Okay there are going to be some rules from now on because of the stunt you just pulled Number One-" Jaxon started before I cut him off.

"F*ck no I don't do rules," I replied.

"Well you do now Number One you do what I tell you. Number Two you never disrespect me or anyone in the gang. Number Three no running away. Number Four you will not leave the house unless I approve it and someone goes with you. Number Five you will sleep in the same room as me. Number Six you do not tell anyone else that you are the Red Death. Good, fantastic. Now its getting late you need to sleep," He rushed out.

"Am I allowed to punch someone if they are disrespecting me?" I responded questioning his rules. His eyes burned with anger.

"If they are in the gang no but outside it yes," he growled with furiosity.

"That's bullsh*t, the man I would have beat the sh*t out of today if you hadn't pulled me off had it coming" I yelled back with the same amount of furiosity.

"Why?" he questioned sincerely.

"None of you business" I responded regretting opening my mouth. I walked around the room presuming it was his. It was a modern suite with dark gray walls and white crown molding. The bed had black sheets and a gradient comforter and pillows. If it wasn't his room it would have been amazing. I walked toward one of the doors and opened it up to revel a massive master ensuite. It had tiled floor, an enormous tub, and the biggest shower probly ever created.

"Close your mouth honey you'll catch flies," Jaxon stated cockily. He put his hand on my chin to close my mouth but a quickly grabbed it and twisted it behind his back. After I realized that wasn't the smartest choice I dropped his hand and attempted to walk away key word attempted. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up against a wall. He held my hands above my head and put a knee in between my legs so I couldn't move. All of a sudden a phone started to ring, I didn't think it was mine until Jaxon checked his.

"Please let me pick it up," I begged giving him puppy eyes. He slowly released me and I bolted over to my phone. It was Chandler my fight manager. I quickly picked it up.

(E=Ella C=Chandler)

E - Whats up dude

C - I booked you four fights tonight and if you win you get three grand each

E - Sweet I'll be there but I may have to take a break for a while because I have some new living arrangements

C - Why, well I will met up with you tonight at the fight grounds it is in a pub called Fighting Picaddilly and we can get a beer after

E - K see you then

With that I ended the call. When I turned around Jaxon was leaning on the doorway like you here about in books.

"So can I go out tonight? Anyone can go with me as long as they don't give away my identity."

"Fine but I am accompanying you along with AJ and Cole. Where are we going and who are we meeting." He agreed

"We are going to a pub called Fighting Picaddilly and then I am meeting with my fight manager about putting a hold on my fights until I can start back up. Y'all can feel free to shadow my every move but I don't want anyone getting questioned about my identity." I responded. He grunted in annoyance but agreed none the less. I walked around the room for about five minutes before I found my duffle containing my fight uniform. I threw my hair up in a pony tale then headed downstairs to meet the guys. When I got down there they were all wearing jeans and leather jackets but the colors of their tee-shirts changed. As we walked outside everyone was silent. When my bike came into view I ran over and jumped on. Jaxon slowly approached me in a manner that made me nervous.

"You will be riding in the van with us," Jaxon all but growled.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora