Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ella's POV One Week Later

The week after the boys lefts has been peaceful. Dan and I hand out a lot but Jaxon has been yelling at us because our projects and activities are 'dangerous'. I've been getting bored recently and the drive to get back in the ring has been making me jumpy. Unsure of Jaxon's response to me wanting to fight again I started going to the gym more and more to quell the urge to fight. I am currently training in the gym just working on getting back to peek fighting shape when AJ walks in.

"Hey AJ?" He nods, "Can we fight?" He stares at me in shock.

"Why? I really don't think boss would approve..."

"So he's not here and I really want to fight! I promise I can hold my own! Plus you've seen me fight before! This will be fun! Pretty please!" I pull out my puppy eyes. He gives in and wraps his hands as I bounce into the ring.

When AJ gets into the ring we bump gloves and get into position. Adrenaline is rushing through my body and I can't wait for the first punch to be thrown my way. AJ glances at me before rushing toward me. His right should cranks back and I can tell he is about to throw a hook punch. I jump to the left and throw a roundhouse kick toward his stomach, but he catches my leg right before it makes contact. I rip my leg out of his grasp and get back into fighting position. We dance around the ring for a few minutes each of us landing multiple hits upon each other. I get distracted for one minutes and AJ strikes. His fist smashes on my face. I clearly feel my nose break. AJ looks scared. I rush forward and pummel his gut with multiple strikes. Each time he attempts to land a hit on me I parry his strike and land a kick to him. I take a step back. I bring my leg up and push all my force into the bottom of my foot. I make contact with his sternum and he falls back. I leap onto him and my forearm across his neck putting pressure to knock him out. He taps out and I hop off then help him up.

"We need to get you to the infirmary before Jaxon sees you," he states and I nod. The door swings open. Jaxon is standing in the doorway. AJ and I look at each other.

"What the hell happened here?" Jaxon growls out.

"Um, you see, we uh. Well uh I wanted to fight so I convinced AJ to get in the ring with me!" I rush out. Jaxon glares at us before giving the I'll deal with you later look to AJ. He grabs my arm and leads me to the infirmary. His grip tightens on my hand before lifting me up and putting me on the bed. Doc fixes my nose. Jaxon takes us back to the bedroom and sits me on the bed. He begins to pace in front of the bed.

"Do you know how much you worried me?! Huh! I came back from my meeting expecting to see you still sleeping, but you weren't! I went to Dan's house! You weren't fucking there either! Do you know what I thought you did? Actually no, why the fuck did you go to the gym and fight!" He yells. I can see how stressed he is. I stand up and hug him.

"Jaxon I'm really sorry! If I had known I would have stayed here but I haven't fought in so long and I just had this urge to get in the ring! I just needed to fight. Please I'm sorry! I didn't mean to worry you! And Jaxon, I'm not going anywhere!" He nods into my shoulder. I rub my hands up and down his back and feel his muscles relax.

"I know. I just got scared." I nod into his chest, "We are going to have some guests soon. Okay?"

"Who is it?"

"You'll just have to see," he says cockily. I frown at him but head to the closet to change.

I grab a t-shirt with an image of Dead-pool on it, I pair it with a pair of light-wash jeans with rips and my maroon high tops. I grab a random bra and panties set before heading to the bathroom to take my shower. I strip out of my workout clothes and stare in the mirror the bruising around my nose is really bad, I few a few miscellaneous bruises on the rest of my body, and I see a few stretch marks and scars but I look and feel great even with my faults. The room begins to fill with steam and I hop in the shower and quickly cleanse myself. Turning the shower off I dry off and slide into my outfit. Opening the door I see Jaxon laying on the bed. He smirks at me and I ignore him. Quickly drying my hair I get ready. When I'm finished I put my hair into a ponytail then flop on the bed next to Jaxon. I groan in pain when my nose make contact with his arm.

"Oh shit! You good?" I offer up a nod, "Well good because our guests just pulled up." He stands up pulling me with him. We walk downstairs together and he gets the door while I head to the kitchen. I hear voices but I'm distracted by the plethora of food on the counter. I walk into the living room to greet our guests.

"CHANDLER!" I shout and run and give him a hug. I glance at the girl standing next to him and bump Chandler as if to say who's this.

"Ella I'd like you to meet Astrid or as you may know her Angel of Death," he introduces. I am shook, this is the little girl I killed for oh so long ago.

"Damn, it's nice to finally meet you! You look a hell of a lot better than last time I saw you." She chuckles.

"Yeah. Thank you so much for saving me from that situation."

"No problem. Oh Chandler can you book me a fight?" Jaxon's head whips to mine and I give him a pleading look. I really want to fight. He lets out a sigh.

"Yeah? How about in three weeks? I need some time to set it up since you haven't been around in a while." I nod happily and jump up and down in glee.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now