Chapter Thirteen

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Jaxon's POV

The flight that we were on arrived early and departed early so we were on our way faster. Ella was in deep shit and I was just a bit closer to getting her back to me. The flight was short but I was stuck in a damn middle seat and the people next to me were god awful. The flight was otherwise fine, I essentially got a free lap dance from the slutty flight attendant. When the flight landed me and the boys quickly grabbed our bags and rushed off the plane. The Atlanta airport was giant and we would have to split up to even have a chance at finding her. We all took off to the gate she was supposed to be leaving from. The airport was packed and we had to do a lot of shoving to get to the gait. The gait was currently boarding for another flight but there were still a lot of people there waiting for other flights. AJ quickly directed the other guys to split up and search everyone to make sure that she wasn't escaping. We searched the gait for about twenty minutes but Ella wasn't there. 

"Everyone split up search all the food and stores in this damn airport we have to find her. Antonio go talk to airport security and ask if they have seen her." we all rushed in opposite directions. 

---Time Skip---

We had searched the whole fucking airport and no god damn fucking Ella. We ended up boarding a flight back to LaGuardia because my guys had apparently fucked up so bad that they couldn't track a fucking girl. The flight back was better the guys and I all had seats near surrounding one another and since the flight was a red eye it was 100% quite. LaGuardia was empty and it was easy sailing to get back to the house. As a group we decided that we were going to get some rest and get back to searching after we had slept. We rolled into the house at twelve a.m. everyone seemed to be asleep which pissed me off because they should be searching for Ella instead they were slacking off. The guys and I headed up to go to sleep so that we have energy for tomorrow. I slid off my clothes and climbed into bed. Normally the darkness didn't take long to take me but tonight I just kept tossing and turning. Finally sleep consumed me.

The morning felt like it came in ten minutes when in reality it was five hours. I got ready for the day and decided that a talk with Autumn was in order. I headed to the kitchen in order to find out where Autumn was hanging out. 

"Guys, where is Autumn?"

"I'm right here," 

"I need to talk to you about Ella,"

"Yeah, what do you need to know?"

"Well for one since she didn't go to Brazil where would she go?"

Autumns POV

Shitty Shit Shit I don't want to tell Jaxon where she is but I don't want to get dead either. 

"Well she doesn't like the rain so I would rule out any super rainny countries like England. She also doesn't like the Island life so would rule out the Carribian. Although, Ella is really super smart so she probally won't end where the plane ticket shows. I suggest finding her truck first so that you can follow her steps,"

"Okay but where would she go,"

"Um, Germany or some other inland European country would be the best bet" I lied Ella would probally go somewhere on the cost so that it was easier to escape from different threats but Jaxon didn't treat Ella right and she was my bestfriend first.

"Well where would her truck be then?"

"Knowing Ella there is probally a storage unit or something that has her stuff. I would start with a manager or friend of sorts that was with her in Boston and has progressed with her to here,"

"Who was that one guy? Her fight manager? The one we met?" 

"Chuck, Charles, Chandler, Chandler definitly!" AJ shouted out.

"Lets find him!"

---Author's Note---

Well here is another chapter in one day!!!! Yay!!! Well I hope you like it!! I just started summer break so there should hopfully be more updates. I have another coming out this week already planned and as long as WiFi works where I'm headed the update should go up Thursday night(cross your fingers). I know that this is shorter than my usual update(not by much) but I wanted to get this out because I had gotten lot of comments say that people were loving it and this made me SO SO FUCKING happy!!! So I am planning more updates for you guys!!

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