Chapter Three

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Standing there glaring at me was my bully Ethan Smith. Little known fact Ethan had bullied me from 6th grade all the way through high school.

"What are you doing here you little b*tch?" he growled.

"I came with Jaxon, but why the h*ll are you here?" I retorted back.

"I am their best fighter," he stated proudly while I just scoffed.

"Okay then lets fight," I responded cooly challenging someone to a fight that was twice your size sounded risky to most but it was a chance that I was going to get to redem my honor. He just nodded in shock and I shook off my tee and stepped into the ring. Cole had walked in getting ready to train but I asked him to be the refferee for the match.


The bell had sounded and Ethan charged at me but I had faced bigger people than him so I sidstepped and hooked punched his stomach. He groaned in pain but came after me again and again I dogdged almost all his punches even though he got me in the face once I still nailed him a few times. We had been fighting for a long time and we both had blood running down our faces when someone rung the bell but that wasn't going to stop us because this feud had been going on since the sixth grade. I swung at him as he swung at me and I ducked. I roundkicked him in rataliation to his attempted punch and was going for another blow when someone dragged me backwards toward the edge of the ring.

"What the heck I could have won that fight," I ranted enraged. I heard Ethan snort and that put me over the top. I turned and had the look of death in my eyes he must have noticed because he looked like he shat himself. I ran to him and started nailing his face but yet again someone pulled me out of the fight.

"Boss looks like you got a real fighter there doncha," I heard Cole joke.

"Yeah how else would I win all my fights as the Red Death," I said with rage in my voice but then regreted my actions.

"You are??!" Cole shouted.

"Sh*t how stupid can I get," I muttered before racing out the door. I ran around until I found a kitchen and boy I swear I turned into a fish at that moment because I just stood there gaping like one. I realized after a few minutes that I should probably clean my wounds and I don't know eat all of their food while I'm at it. I found a spare towel in the cabinet so I soaked it in some water and started washing my face. After I finished I scouered through the kitchen to find some good food. Suddenly I found the holey grail of all food deuce de leche carmel swirl ice cream, I was rejoicing at my findings when I heard foot steps. There were no good hiding spots so I clambered into a cabinet and ate my ice cream while the footsteps got closer.

"She has to be here where else could she go," someone that sounded vaguely like Jaxon shouted. After he shouted that I heard someone open the freezer and gasp.

"I'm gonna kill that bi*ch she has my f*ckin ice cream," another person shouted and I lost it, I started snorting and laughing at this comment.

"Everyone shut the f*ck up I hear her," The first person shouted. The footsteps went to the other side of the island where I was hiding so I decided to take a chance and run. I quietly got out of my cabinet and crouched afraid that they may hear me.

"Hi guys, bye guys," I shouted as I took off. The stairs were right around the corner so I bounded up them and tore down the hallway because from the look I got from Cole in the kitchen I was dead. There was a slightly propped open door so I took my chance and dashed in. It was a dark room with matte black walls and black carpet on the bed was a guy that looked about 18 listening to music.

"Help me Cole is going to kill me," I wisper yelled to him.

"Okay follow me," He whispered back and lead me to a window where he signaled me to climb out and sit on the adjoining roof. I climbed out the window and jumped onto the roof. I smushed myself against the roof and continue to eat my delicious ice cream. After awhile I see figures below me.

"Ella you better get your a** down here right now," Cole and Jaxon yell in sync.

"Well sh*t" I mutter.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now