Chapter Eleven

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Ella's POV

Walking into my room I dropped my bag and flopped on the bed. First things first sleeping. I crawled into the bed and curled up... nap time.

When I woke up it was the next day. Groaning I crawled out of the bed, stumbling over to my bag I grabbed a set of clothes and my toiletry bag. Making my way to the bathroom I prepared to shower and get ready for a day of job searching. The water pressure in the shower was poor but it was better than being locked up in that hell hole. I quickly put my hair into a nice bun and put threw on a pair of dark wash jeans and a nice(ish) looking top. I decided to put on some mascara and lip gloss that I found in my toiletry bag. I grabbed a purse out of my bag and folded up a copy of the work visa I had created. Time to job hunt.

I had visited many cafes and local shops that were hiring but none of them said I met the "qualifications" it was just because I was an American. My last opportunity was a convenience type store that sold American goods. The bell dinged when I walked in.

"Hello?" I questioned as I walked in.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" An older man with a thick Spanish accent responded from behind the counter.

"Um I was curious about the job position. I speak fluent English and pretty fluent Spanish. I have a work visa as well," I spilled out, at this point I was kind of desperate for a job.

"Ok, um most of our clientele is from the Naval base, although we do have the occasional native come in looking for some special treat. If I could have a copy of your visa that would be good. I could also show you around I don't get that many potential employees here," The man explained to me. I grabbed a copy of my work visa and handed it to him. We began to walk around the store and he explained what my responsibilities would be. By the end of the tour I felt a lot more comfortable with him and what I would do. He invited me to come work tomorrow for my training day but after that I would be responsible for most of the work because he had just had a kid and wanted to be able to spend more time with him. I left the store and decided to walk back by the Naval base and get back to the hotel that way. Tomorrow I would have to start searching for apartments. This would be good for me a new start.

Jaxon's POV

I don't understand how she did it. She fucking escaped! Ella some how evaded all of my security and members and left. I know I was an ass to her but she needed to be taught a lesson. When I find her she is going to pay. I don't care if I liked her at some point and even if I still do. Ella needs to be taught that her actions against me and my gang will not go unnoticed and unpunished. Ella will be taught a lesson. I headed to the security room to find their progress on tracking her down. She had hotwired her truck and got off property that way but once she got out of range of the cameras placed around the property we would have to track her other ways. When I arrived at the security room the guys were still furiously tracking her movements and tracking her bank account to see where she went if she left the state or country by plane or train.

"Jaxon! She bought a ticket to Brazil. Her flight left Newark yesterday at 9:20. She is currently in a layover for two days in the Atlanta airport. I booked you and a few men a flight to Atlanta international to catch up to her. Your flight leaves in two hours from LaGuardia," Brian rushed out. I rushed out of the security room and fetched Antonio, AJ, and Cole to come with me. I grabbed a gun and as well as a bag to bring restraining tools in case Ella put up a fight when we caught her. Antonio, AJ, Cole, and I loaded up into a van and drove out to LaGuardia. When we arrived we made our way through customs. AJ's bag got searched but he got away without being detained by TSA. Ella was going to pay.

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