Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jaxon's POV

I call Chandler to let him know that I am on my way. When I reach his house he is waiting outside with Astrid, the girl Ella saved. I park my Camaro carefully in front of their yard and get out. 

"What's up bro?" Chandler greets. I give him a bro hug and embrace Astrid.

"Just trouble with Ella's friends," I respond.  Chandler raises an eyebrow at me. "With the death of her fiancé, that Hunter dude, all of her friends from Rota came for the funeral. Now with her staying with me they have to as well."

"Oh Jaxon. I'm sure it will be okay! Would you like us to come by and try to ease the tensions?" Astrid proposes.

"Yeah dud it may help for some familiar faces that don't have a negative connotation. It may help her friends see that her in New York isn't a bad idea. I can also book her a fight if you think that'll help?" I nod. This will definitely help her. I hang out with them for a while before I decide to head back to the house.

Ella's POV

After I show the boys to their rooms I head to the room I woke up in. I flop onto the bed for the second time today. Why is my life so hard? Why can't anyone just get along? My head shoots up when I hear the door open.

"Who's there?" I shout.

"Chill Ella. It's me!" Jaxon says. I nod into the pillow and go back to wallowing in self pity. I fee the bed dip beside me and can only guess that it is Jaxon. He pulls me onto his lap facing him ie I'm straddling his lap with my head resting on his chest. As much as I hated him in the past my view is changing; Jaxon is nicer, calmer, and just better for me. Fuck I may be falling please tell me I'm not falling for him, with everything going on in my life is this really what I need?

"Stop worrying. Everything is going to turn out all right. I'll always be here for you baby." 

"Thank you Jaxon." I sigh.

"Oh! That reminds me a friend of ours is coming over later." I raise my eyebrow. "You'll see. Do you want to go exam Dan's living quarters? You seemed pretty aprehensive about it earlier." I nod quickly.

Jaxon gets out of bed and motions for my to get on his back. I shake my head but he just frowns before grabbing my legs forcing me onto his back. I huff but let out a small giggle. Why is he so cute? The walk goes by quickly. The shack is in the middle of this garden/forest area so it is very seculded which I think is perfect for Dan. As we get closer I smell a little smoke but brush it off. 

"Oh fuck! Oh shit! Welp lets hope this doesn't explode on me!" I hear Dan say from the inside, sadly it is quickly followed by a bang and flash of light. I look at Jaxon and he just shakes his head.

"Cool! I made a fucking flash bang! What if he heard it? No way! Well, maybe?" I look toward Jaxon again but he just shruggs it off. We approach the shack and Jaxon knocks on the door calling inside to see if it is safe. Dan yells for us to come in and I hop off Jaxon's back.

"Dan! It's soooo great to see you after the whole situation!" I smile before approaching Dan.



"Girl I thought you were just a figmint of my imagination! I thought that dude just kidnapped me for my explosives skills!"

"No! We killed people together! You are one of the most loyal people I have ever met! You saved my life after knowing me for barely an hour!"

"Well duh! You let me kill people with you why wouldn't I help a great person who lets me kill with them out!" I smile and bring Dan into a hug.

"Dynamite Dan please keep it real! I have to prepare for my fiance's funeral in a few days. I'll see you soon okay?"

"Oooohhhh! Can I come I put the fun in funeral!?!"

"I wish Dan but I am not in charge of who goes and doesn't. Thats the militaries job." He nods sadly and I wave goodbye as Jaxon escorts me out. We get back into the house and as we are heading back to the room I see Brice exiting Autumns room with touseled hair and no shirt. He sees me with Jaxon and just glares. 

---------- Authors Note ----------

Hey guys! I'm sooooo soooo soooo sorry for the extremely long hiatus from writing. Life has just been a bitch and I have to adjust to this whole new schedule because my school has changed due to the Corona Virus. I hope all of you are healthy and not suffering due to this illness. Anywho I am thinking of rebranding this book because I feel that the title doesn't fit how the book has gone. So that being said if you have any ideas feel free to leave them in the comments or message me personally. If you also have something that you want to happen in the story let me know. 

I say this all the time but amid all the issues in the world right now my inbox is always open! If you ever need anything whether it be to vent or advice or really anything shoot me a message and I'll always lend an ear! Peace out stay safe and sane guys! :)

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now