Chapter Ten

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I ended up taking the flight to London. The flight was really long and I was stuck next to a middle aged Indian man that was from London. No offense to anyone of Indian culture but man your food reeks and this guy he kept his movie player on all through the flight...guess I couldn't get any shut eye on this flight. The plane landed seven long hours later and I quickly grabbed my bag and booked it off the plane. I quickly rushed to customs and oh joy what a fun time it was to stand for two hours in line for British customs, once I finally made it through I grabbed a cab to Kings Cross Station. At Kings Cross I headed for the Eurostar station.

"Hello, I would like the earliest ticket you have to Paris," I asked.

"Sorry, mam the next train out is tomorrow at five a.m. Would you like me to book that ticket for you?"

"That should suffice. Thank you," I grabbed the ticket she had just printed off and slid on a Boston Red Sox cap. I took out the burner phone and acted as if I was taking pictures of the sights. I put the phone down and began searching for a convenience type store. I found a small travel store that had some commonly forgot necessities. I grabbed some dental floss, a small sewing kit, a small bottle of Jack Daniels, and a band-aid box placing my items on the counter.

"Will that be all today?"

"Uh, yeah y'all take credit right?" Damn how could I forget to grab a few pounds.

"Yes," the clerk responded sounding very disinterested. I paid and grabbed my stuff; next stop the bathrooms. I ducked into the family bathroom. I slid off my sweats and unwrapped the t-shirt. The wound had begun to fester and look kind of grimy around the edges...great! I searched through the bag and pulled out the Jack Daniels, I laid the ripped the t-shirt on the ground to sop up any spilled alcohol gritting my teeth I poured half the bottle of JD on the wound. Next, I grabbed the sewing kit and dental floss threading the needle with the floss I prepared my self for the pain I was about to inflict upon my wound. I pierced the already sore skin with the needle and began to stich up my wound. Once it was finished I poured the rest of the JD on it and covered it with some gauze I found in the band-aid box. I stood up went pee slid my sweats back on and left the restroom. Now for the waiting...

Twelve Hours Later(A/N She landed at 3:45 London time. It is now 4 A.M.)

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the terminal for my train. When I finally made it to Paris it was ten A.M. local time. I booked a flight to Rota, Spain. Rota was always my final destination. It was a large U.S. Naval base and if I found a man that was half decent I could move with him to cover my tracks. All the tickets I had purchased were under different names so that it would be less suspicious and I could be safer for the time being.

Arriving in Rota, Spain was amazing. I knew I would be safe for at least a few month depending on how good their hackers were. My first priority would be getting my U.S. dollars exchanged for Euros then get a few things printed. I quickly found an exchange shop and converted all my cash to euros. Next I went to a library, getting on one of their computers I created a fake work visa and worked a little magic to register as work visa holder with the Spanish government. Printing my masterpiece off I went to a copy shop to get my visa copied. I elected not to go job searching yet and just get a hotel room to destress in. I walked the scenic route which passed the Navy base. As I passed I shamelessly ogled the guys that were playing basketball. There was one guy that seemed to see me ogling him I simply shrugged it off and kept walking. I found a hotel that was just passed the base and decided to rent a room there for a week just until I figured out the apartment and job situations. Overall I think my escape was successful now I just have to complete the rest of my plan and that's where the fun begins.

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