Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ella's POV

I hear a knock at my door. I open it to find the boys outside, they have changed out of their blues and are in casual clothes.

"Arty?" I nod, "We are gonna go to a bar. Wanna come?" Brice asks.

"I think I'm good for today guys. I'm just kinda out of it today with the funeral, it really took a lot out of me. Seeing Hunter for the last time has just kinda wore me. I actually am about to head to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning?" Instead of answering they all rush me in a group hug. I sniffle into their shoulders but wave them off as they head out.

I reenter my room and get ready for bed. I quickly take a shower and clean myself up. I gaze at my ring as I get ready. It's so beautiful and means so much to me but I wonder when it will be the right time. I think the right time to start moving on and becoming me again is now. The ring slips off my finger and I place it onto Hunters dog tags. The ring rests gently on the tags and I feel a tear slide down my face; I put the dog tags in my bag and grab my pj's. Reaching into my bag I felt a container beside my clothes. I grab both my pj's and the container. There is a sticky note on the outside of it and it read I know this is hard for you baby, but maybe this will make it a little easier. Call me if you need anything – Jaxon I pop the top off the container and it is full of my favorite candies. A smile graces my lips as I see what he's done for me.

Walking to the bed I grab my phone off the charger and text Jaxon a thank you for the candies. He sends me a winky face in return and I let out a small laugh. Saving the candies for tomorrow I crawl into the uncomfortable hotel bed and get ready for the journey back home tomorrow.

The Next Morning

The alarm sounds next to my ear and I jolt out of my sleep. My morning routine only takes a couple minutes before I start packing my bags. My bags are packed when I hear my phone ringing. It's Jaxon. Wow he actually got up for once. I usually have to roll his ass out of bed. I pick up and place the phone on speaker so I can do a final sweep of the room.

"What's up Jaxon?"

"Nothing much. I miss you!" I silently aw to myself.

"I miss you too. We are supposed to get on the road in an hour or to so we should get home around 7:30. Oh by the way thanks for the candies."

"Okay! I'll see you then! I knew you would be out of sorts and worn out so I thought a little pick me up might help!" I smile at his response, then hear a knock at my door.

"I think the boys are ready to go get breakfast then get on the road. I'll see you soon!"

"See you soon baby!" I hang up the call and get the door. Everyone is gathered and might I add they all look like shit. I stifle a laugh but grab my bag and head to the lobby with them.

The boys head toward the hotel dining but I shake my head and drag them out to the car. Getting in the drivers seat I take us to a diner on the mall. The boys all get really greasy food to help with the hangover and I get some french toast and bacon. We get on the road about an hour later. I had the radio playing quietly as most of the guys slept. Damn, they must have really hit the bars hard last night. About halfway through the trip I switch with Brice and we blare the radio to liven up the trip back home. I can tell something is up with him but I put it on the stress of the funeral and his job.

Arriving at the Mansion

Brice pulls in the driveway and I see Jaxon and the crew outside. Brice parks the car and I immediately hop out and rush to give Jaxon a hug. I hear a scoff behind me and I turn to see who it is. Brice looks fuming at me and Jaxon.

"Brice what's wrong?" He continues to glare at me. The other guys look kind of confuse but also angry.

"I've had it with this shit! You are just an attention seeking whore! I bet you didn't even like Hunter! You were just using him to hide! You should have died instead of him! I bet you already moved on and started fucking this jackass! Huh? Answer me bitch!" Brice screams.

"How dare you! I loved Hunter and guess what I tried to save him! But really you are the true jackass for condemning my for trying to be happy!" I scream. I can feel tears running down my face and Jaxon's crew is tensed up behind me. I step away from Jaxon as I see Brice tense up.

"You fuckin' bitch!" Brice screams as he begins to charge me. I see a person run to meet him.

"That's my best friend and savior you asshole!" Dan screams as he sucker punches Brice in the face. I walk toward Dan and Brice. Dan joins me at my side and I smile knowing I choose right when I allowed him to fight with me.

"You guys were my friends and you turned into complete douche bags! I want you off this property in ten minutes or we all will whoop your asses!" The rest of the guys rush around me to get inside but Brice side checks me. I've had it with this cunt. I throw a right hook and nail his cheek. "That's for calling me a whore and just some advice learn who you are accusing before you do it. It may save your precious little face next time!" I smile sweetly at him as he rushes inside. Dan and I high-five and we watch all my old friends leave. Maybe my life can go back to normal?

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now