Chapter Twenty-One

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Jaxon's POV(before shit went down ETA Café time)

That little prick. Her fiancé had the fucking audacity to punch me like what the fuck man. Ella was smart though they immediately evacuated the café. I recover from the punch and make my way outside. AJ and Cole stand ready. 

"Boss what happened?"

"Ella and her little fiancé are here."

"What do you want us to do boss?" The boys respond in tandem.

"Follow her. At a distance. We all know that she is smart enough to figure out a tail. When she gets back to wherever the hell she is staying come home and give me your report." They nod and head in Ella's direction. I get in my car and head back to the house.

(Shit hit the fan(Hunter dead) Jaxon doesn't know yet)

I sat daydreaming in my office of how I would steal Ella from that prick. AJ and Cole had gotten back and given me their report a few minutes ago. My phone begins to ring and when I pick it up it is an unknown number.

"Who the fuck is this? And how the fuck did you  get this number?" I growl into the phone.

"I need a clean-up crew." Ella's melodic voice drifts through the phone, but it is void of emotions.

"Ella?" I ask to insure that it is really her.

"Yes. Clean-up crew at apartment 12 458 Becker. Key is taped on the inside of the light above the door. Body is in the hall closet." Her responce is short and concise. I quickly text one of my clean-up crews and send them to the address.

"Its on its way. Ella what's wrong? You're scaring me." I have never heard her like this. Something has definitely happened and it can't be good.

"Nothing that can be discussed over the phone. I'm on my way." Is her only response. I call the gang, or the ones that know Ella, into my office.

"Something has gone wrong and Ella is acting very strange for her. She is on her way but she seems off very off."

"What did you she sound like? If you don't mind me asking boss," Autumn questions from the back of the pack. 

"Devoid of all emotion." Autumn nodded in response. The alarm for the gate went off and we made our way to the driveway. Ella rolled up in her truck. As she gets out of the truck she looks emotionless like a zombie. I approach her cautiously.

"What the fuck is happening Ella?"

"Who is your number one enemy at the current moment?" Is her response.

"Why did you need a clean-up crew?" I shoot back.

"Because of you," she sneers. I'm flabbergasted what did I do? "You are the reason my fiancé is dead. He got shot because of you. Intel NOW!" 

"Ella I'm-" She cuts me off.

"I don't want your fucking pity. I want fucking intel to eradicate these mother fuckers," I'm taken back at her attitude but I guide Ella inside deciding that the possibility of prying eyes is lessened in my office alone.

"Ella how are? I know that this façade is just that a façade. How are you really and don't give me that I'm fine bullshit," I ask truthfully caring about her wellbeing.

"Honestly, I'm fucked up. I can't focus on that now I need revenge." I pull Ella into a hug and sit us on the couch.

"It's okay to be a little fucked up sometimes."

"I'm a shit ton more fucked up than just a little. Now, I need intel. I'm going to kill every single one of those fuckers." I nod and head to my computer. I pull of the files on my enemys.

"Okay number one on the shit list is Silver Shots," I begin, "Russian, deals with drugs and prostitution etc., and we got into a shoot out and stole a shit load of their stuff. Their leader also has a personal vendetta against me so that will add to the shit list. I will call the clean-up crew to determine if he had a gang tat." I pick up my phone and quickly call. They confirmed my suspicion of the Silver Shots, but before I could relay the information to Ella she was on the phone. All I hear is jumbled mumbles before she turns to me.

"We have a fucking problem." Is all she says.


"Hunters," I scowl at the name but it goes unnoticed to her, "pals are coming in five days to help me plan the funeral and help me grieve."

"Well we need to eliminate these guys soon." I smirk. I hate this gang they have always caused so much shit and they are part of human trafficking, fucking disgusting. I walk back to my computer as Ella starts pacing the office. I call the rest of the gang to the conference room. I stand up which grabs Ella's attention.

"The others are in the conference room to discuss plans lets go." She quickly follows me but puts up the emotionless façade. The others are anxious as we enter. "Okay. Silver Bullets are at blame here. Cole Autumn I'm sending you out on observation. You know the addresses to stalk out, determine which is their true base and come back. Our plan of attack is a full frontal assaults. We just go in and kill them all okay?" A resound okay returned. Ella nodded her head and left the room. I groaned and made a move to go after her but AJ stopped me.

"I'll go talk to her boss." I nod and make my way back to my office.

*2 hours later(about midnight)*

My phone rings and I immediately pick up.

"We got it boss. 58th and centennial." I respond with a quick okay and rush to send out the plan for everyone to meet at my main warehouse at ten AM sharp in two for the raid and extermination. The email is sent and now it is time to inform Ella. She is sitting on the couch sharpening knives?

"Ella where did you get the knives?" I ask nervously.

"AJ was showing me around since the house has changed since I was here last and I snagged them from the weapons vault," she responds emotionlessly.

"Well we found them. The strike is scheduled for two days from now at 10:30 AM."


"58th and centennial. Why?"

"No reason. None at all." I knew at this point I had to keep a close eye on her for the next day and a half.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now