Chapter Nine

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Ella's POV

Autumns head whipped around to look at who was entering the room. Cue mental groan...its the one the only Jaxon. Honestly, he looked remorseful? Autumn must have seen it to because when she turned back she just had that look on her face. 

"Ella, can I talk to you alone?" Jaxon questioned. Autumn quickly got up and left...traitor.

"Yeah, whatever,"

"Watch your tone" Jaxon growled out but I scoffed in response, "Look your mine now you may not remember me but I bought you and I own you so pull anymore stunts like the one you pulled the other night I won't hesitate to do whatever I want to you."

"How about you go fuck yourself?! I honestly couldn't care more about what you think I can and will live my life the way I fucking want to and if you or anyone else gets in my way I won't hesitate to snap anybody's necks! Now get the fuck out of here!" My voice was even and held a tone of death in it. Jaxon apparently didn't get the memo because he decide to advance further. I scooted back in the bed and edged to side for a quick escape. That S.O.B. must have figured it out because he quickly lunged and grabbed me.

"You are going back to the dungeon. No food, no socialization, and no getting out until I say so. Ok, Ok" Jaxon yells. I struggle in his grasp no food and socialization was fine but no leaving that meant no work out or training. I mean I was a college kid and before I started fighting I had no money, yeah I could have ask for some but I didn't want to, so I went a few days without food every once and a while. Turns out I zoned out while reminiscing about the good old days that Jaxon had already gotten down to the cells. I thought that I would just go in a normal cell like last time but, no. Jaxon past all the other cells and lead us to a further cell one in the far back. He kicked open the door and literally threw me to the ground. "I'll see you when I decide to let you out,"

"Vaffanculo" I screamed at him.(A/N Fuck You in Italian). The door slammed shut leaving me to rot in this damn cell. Looking around there was literally nothing. I stood up to look around. The door wasn't even a door just a piece of cement. There was a piece of mirror probably a two way mirror so they could stalk me but you know. I got up and started to pace around the room. I knew I wouldn't be able to get out, I could try but honestly it would be a waste of time and effort. I back at the mirror. If I could break a piece of it and cut myself that would force them to get me help, then from there I could escape and move far away. I turned toward the mirror. I ran with all my might, threw my fist up and punched it. It splintered slightly so I hit it again in the same place cracking it even more. The door clicked open. I whipped around to see what it was. AJ had a sullen look on his face as he set down a doggie bowl of water. 

"That fucker! I'm gonna snap his fucking neck the next time I see him" I screamed. AJ just turned and left. I'm so getting out of here sooner rather than later. Running back at the mirror I throw my fist in to it with all the strength I had. I heard a satisfying crack along with glass shards falling everywhere. Grabbing one I gently slide it into my pants making sure to be discrete and not to cut my self yet. Someone stormed through the door turned out to be Antonio oh boy he did not look happy. He grabbed my arm roughly and threw me over his shoulder. I let out a sharp gasp because the glass shard in my pant leg had just pierced my This was actually going a lot better than I thought I didn't have to slice myself on purpose to get taken to the med clinic. Antonio carried me up stairs and brought me to a sterile white room with a doctor inside.

"Whatcha got for me Tony?" The doctor questioned.

"This prisoner decide to break a two way mirror and Jaxon ordered me to take her to you." Antonio replied setting my down on a table. The doctor nodded in approval. They had both turned around so I slid my hand into my pant leg and grasped the glass shard. Antonio turned around first, pulling the shard out I swung it and slashed his chest. The doctor whipped around hearing the commotion, I quickly slashed his chest too. Pushing them both out of the way I threw the door open and rushed out. My leg was killing me at this point but I pushed threw. A few guards tried to stop me; a few of them got hits in but I slashed a few of their chests and ran away. I finally made it to the front door but it was guarded by Autumn... Damn It.

"Hoe I really don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't, here you don't have a lot of time slash my arm and make a run for it" Autumn replied. I did what she suggested and ran. My truck was outside surprisingly so I hopped in and hotwired it. By the time it started there were men coming out pulling a tow mater I backed out of there like a freaking cheetah. When I reached a main road I flipped around and headed to a storage unit that I had booked to keep some of my more private things in. Getting to the unit I pulled out the key for the padlock and got in. I grabbed some spare clothes from a basket and put them on, my leg was looking pretty bad. I scavenged through the unit but couldn't find any gauze so I ripped one of the t-shirts and tied it around the wound. I quickly packed whatever else I needed and grabbed a spare burner phone. When I left I had about $8,000 dollars, 3 spare sets of clothes, adaptors, phone cords, etc. really whatever I needed to go over seas. Calling a cab I drove the truck into the unit and locked everything up. The cab arrived rather quickly and I told him to take me to LaGuardia. I also called Chandler and warned him that the gang may come to him in search of me. Lastly, I bought three different airplane tickets one of which was through my personal bank account but the others where through bank accounts under friends names. The cab had gotten to the airport so I got out, paid, and went inside. Printing off my ticket I went through all the standard airport procedures and now it's time for the waiting game.


Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to update but here it is. I had a quick question. What do you want to happen? Comment or Private Message me what you want/think should happen. I kinda ran out of ideas.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now