Chapter Five

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"Um no thanks," I responded hopping on my bike.

"Yes you are," He growled as he grabbed my arm preventing me from leaving.

"How about this, we load my bike into the van then when we are five blocks out I get out on my bike and ride the rest of the way there. So this is the best of both because Red Death still makes their signature appearance and I still have to ride with you?" I suggested. He shrugged his shoulders and went to the van. I rolled my bike over and slid it into the back of the van. As soon as I was in AJ turned the radio as high as it would go and started singing. Soon enough Antonio and John joined in. We were half way through the drive when Eminems Rap God came on and I mean this was my song and I could fluently rap and sing to it. And so I started (because the lyrics are too long)

"Damn Girl you can rap" AJ shouted.

"Thanks but this is my stop," I said slipping on my mask to hide my blush. I rolled out my baby and hopped on. He roared to life and I took off to Fighting Piccadilly. When I got there I parked my bike and walked inside. Chandler was meeting me at the bar so when I walked in I headed straight there knowing that if I slip up the boys will be right behind me to kill me. I spot Chandler almost instantly because he is probably the only guy here that is not drunk, high, or straight. He must have seen me because he waved at me then raised up a beer to signal that he had bought me a drink. I heard a growl from behind me but ignored it and took a seat next to Chandler.

"You know I don't drink before fights," I said gazing at him.

"I know but these are for your friends that are surrounding us. Oh and honey you need to check in with the guy on the other side of the club your fight will be soon." He says as he reveals numerous beers for the boys. I hop up from my seat and head towards the other side of the pub. The crowd parts and I can't tell if it's me or Jaxon who is following me at a close proximity.

"Hi sir sir," I yell at the check in guy before I punch him in the stomach because he was ticking me off.

"You a*sh*t I am the Red Death checking in," I growl at the guy. This time he acknowledged me and sent me to a fighting warm up area. I turned and tipped an imaginary hat towards Chandler, our signature move. I jog to the warm up area and size up my opponents. Most of them are big buff men but there is one girl who looks like she just started.

"Hi what's your name," I question the girl. She just looks at me nervously then over my shoulder at some man. He must have given her the go ahead because she opened her mouth but the announcer came on stage.

"Are you ready to get started New York City!!!?" He yelled and was greeted by many screams and cheers.

"Well here is our first fight. We have our very own Pico de Death who is 45-2. Then we have a new comer who is from Boston where she was 150-0 and here she is 15-0. Who is she well she is the RED DEATH!!" The announcer yelled as we walked in I was booed and the other guy was cheered. When the bell was rung my opponent circled me trying to find a non-existent weakness. Soon enough he ran at me swinging for my hip I slid to the side like a choreographed dance. I slid my leg and swept his legs out from underneath him then punched him in the face till he went out. My fights went like this I ended up being 30-0 by the end of the night. Then the scared girl was up. The announcer announced her as the Angel of Death. I was watching it as she took hit after hit and I finally had it with her getting beat so I decided to challenge her opponent to get her out of the fight.

"Chandler, you see that girl in the ring as soon as she gets out you take her to your place and care for her got it. I am going to put an end to this," I told him as I got up.

"Death the only way she is leaving is in a body bag," he responded.

"Not today," I growled and he looked at me like I was insane. Challenging was not always smart because it goes to the death but I had killed before not that I was proud but I had. I walked over to the announcer and whispered that I was challenging the girls opponent.

"We have a challenger Angel of Death you may now exit the ring. We all know the challenging rules the fight is to the death," He said stopping the fight. Many gasps where heard from the crowd and I got a few glares from the boys but I stepped into the ring anyways. The bell rang and we fought. I had nailed him more then he nailed me but I knew that I was gonna be sore tomorrow. He came at me and I sidestepped and swung around his back. My hand found the spot on his neck and they did the motion that had been executed numerous times before, I snapped his neck. As the body fell to the floor the announcer declared me the winner and I left. Not caring about Jaxon's rules I jumped on my bike and sped off. I raced to the park where I spent my childhood away from my family and my problems. When I got there I slipped on the hoodie that was in the seat of my bike and put my mask in its place. My phone was constantly buzzing but I ignored it. I started running the trail around the park each lap kicking it up a knoch until I was sprinting laps around and around. Midway through one of my sprints I stopped and let out an abrupt yell in frustration then I kept going. When I got back to my starting place there was some one leaning on my bike and a van next to it.

"You disobeyd my rules," a deep voice muttered.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now