Chapter Fourteen

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Ella's POV

Hunter was waiting outside the gaits. 

"Hunter! Hey, sorry an apartment tour ran late. I am sooooooo sorry that I'm late," I said rushing over.

"That's okay! Lets head." I nod and follow him. We played twenty questions and I figured out that he was actually a Marine and not a Navyman. It was actually really fun walking with him. The bar was called Seamens Mar, from what I could tell the bar catered to mostly people from the Naval Base. On the inside it was decorated with lots of ropes and memorabilia and the bar had classic life preservers all along it.

"What can I get for you?" inquired from the bartender

"Bourbon on the rocks three cubes please,"

"Rum and coke neat  please." The bartender nodded and hustled to make our drinks. He slid me my bourbon and Hunter his rum and coke. Taking a sip I let the cool liquid coat my throat.

"I'm surprised most girls don't like that type of alchol"

"Well Hunter I am not most girls," I responded sounding very cliché. Hunter laughed at my response.

"Yo Hunt, I didn't expect you to come here," yelled a slightly drunk man who I could only assume was Hunters friend. I cocked my head at Hunter.

"Ey Brice, I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Artemis, she just moved here from stateside," Hunter responded while I stuck my hand out for Brice to shake.

"Boys, get over here Hunter found a little girlfriend!!!" Brice shouted to a bunch of men across the room. I shook my head laughing while Hunter looked at my apologetically. I downed the rest of my bourbon and signaled to the bartender to make it a double for this time because I sure was going to need it. A group of guys made their way over to Hunter, Brice, and I they all seemed slightly intoxicated but were still fully functioning.

"Aw, our wittle Hunter is all groan up," one of the guys said while pinching Archers cheeks. 

"I'm Artemis," I said sticking my hand out because apparently no one else was going to introduce me. They all shook my hand making comments about how I was so very out of Hunters league. I glanced at the bar noticing the bartender had slid me my drink.

"Woah chika you can't just take some persons drink," one of Hunters friends Ryan I think exclaimed as I picked up my bourbon.

"Oh, this is actually my drink," I responded simply. The guys looked kind of shocked but shook it off. I was beginning to enjoy their company when they ordered tequila shots. 

"Okay, little Miss. Artemis you have to take two shots for every question you don't answer. Don't do any of that protesting stuff you obviously can handle your alcohol, you've drank at least four bourbons tonight so lets get started!!!" one of the guys stated. I was going to shake my head but decided that it had been a while since I had truly let loose. 

"First, question: Where did you move from?"

"The greatest city Boston!!" I replied keeping the part about me being sold to a fucking gang to myself. 

"Where are you staying?" I simply shook my head and grabbed the shots, I tipped my head back and let the tequila go down.

"Favorite TV show?"

"By a long shot it has to be Supernatural! When do I get to ask you guys questions?" 

"Never" Brice responded laughing.

"Who was your last boyfriend? I want all the details!!" Someone at the back of the group shouted.

"Um, his name was Jaxon. It was an arranged thing by my parents something for a fucking business deal. We broke up because he was a fucking cunt and deserved to rot in hell!!!" I shouted and I mean it wasn't wrong also it felt good to get it off my chest. The guys all got shots and handed me one. 

"To living the best fucking lives we can," one of the guys shouted. We all raised up the shots and downed them man I was gonna be fucked up in the morning. At this point in the night I had lost all care for staying sober. I asked the bartender for a line of shots for me and Hunter. We both lined up at the end of the shot line and prepared to race.

"3,2,1 gooooo," Ryan shouted. Hunter and I started downing shots of vodka. We both ended up finishing around the same time so we called it a draw. We all checked the time to see it was nearing two in the morning and the crew had to call it a night. 

"I had a great time today Hunter. I'm working at the American Goods store down the street from the base if you ever want to come visit," I hinted to Hunter. We made our separate ways and I headed to my hotel while he headed back to the base with the rest of the guys. I could tell I was very drunk but I was really glad I had the time I had tonight because I made me super happy and I got to let loose. I walked into my hotel room and ended up taking a shower with my clothes on but hey at least I got clean. Tomorrow was going to be hell for me.

I'm Sold to Who Now!(Finished)(In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now