Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ella's POV

I order the medic to continue to work on Dan as I brandish a knife from my pocket. I stand and face the shooter. He shot my friend and now he will face a terrible fate. I launch forward. My knife connects with his chest. I slice and dice the mans body before delivering the kill strike. Now that he is dealt with I head outside.

Jaxon loads Dan into a van alongside the medic. 

"Ella! You need to get into the van!" He yells at me.

"No! I'm fine. Just take care of Dan! I'll meet you back at the house."

"Look you seem to have two bullet wounds and a bunch of cuts. Allbit they are grazes you need to be checked by the medic!"

"I'll get checked later," I respond stubbornly.

"I'm coming with you then. And I'm driving." I groan, but I throw Jaxon the keys to my truck. 

Getting in the truck I let the affects of this morning effect me. I feel the tears start to drip down my face. Jaxon has yet to get in the truck and I'm thankful for that. Jaxon has become more caring since I left and I don't think I could deal with more pity than I've gotten. All I want is to go back to Rota and live happily with Hunter but that won't happen and now I just have to move on. I wipe the tears off my face and put on the emotionless façade although inside I'm just a tsunami of different emotions. 


"Huh?" I respond coming out of my head.

"What are we gonna do with Dan? He doesn't seem fit to live in the house?" Jaxon questions.

"Do you have like a old garage or largish shed?" Jaxon nods. "Well we can put a bed and a microwave in there?" I state but question at the same time. Jaxon just nods again in response and starts the drive back to the mansion. 

"Ella? Are you okay truly? I saw what had happened in there. That wasn't something the old you could do. I mean you killed people as the Red Death but that was a blood bath. What's wrong?"

"I don't know but I want in the gang. I need some way to release my anger. I'm also going to start fighting again."

"I don't know Ella."

"Why the hell not!?" I exclaim furious.

"You're fucking unstable. I mean look at you. You were crying earlier before that you were on a murder spree. I want you to be in your right mind. Don't even get me started on your reckless behavior today. You left without the support of the fucking gang. You let a hobo work with you! Did you even think through the possibilities if this had gone wrong and the cops got involved?!" He yells at me.

"Yeah I fucking did! No one would trust Dan because he is a fucking PCP addict and honestly this is my fucking battle. They are the reason my fucking fiancé was shot and killed."

"Ella your with us now. You don't ever have to fight battles alone. You will always have the support of the gang behind you." His voice is quite and sincere. I break.

"All I want is to go back before Hunter died. Everything was fine then but now I feel as if I'm drowning and the only way I can catch my breath is to kill. I just want my life to back to normal and I don't think I can put up the old Artemis before the funeral. What am I gonna do Jaxon? I don't want to kill but I need to. I need to breath." I sob out.

"Ella it's okay to need to pulled out and need help to breath. You are a good person. Remember back when we first met and you forced us to go to that fight." I nod. " You saw that that girl was suffering and stepped in to fight her opponent even though you knew that it would end up in him dying. That girl is strong and alive today because of you." His word give me some hope. Maybe I just need to ask for some help?

"Okay but what about Hunters friends? They come in three days? What am I gonna do then? I can't go back to Hunter and I's apartment. I think I may really lose it if I do."

"Ella you don't have to worry. I wasn't going to let you go back there anyway. You will be staying with me from now on. After all you are technically mine," Jaxon jokes. A smile appears on my face at his joking manner. Maybe my world isn't as shitty as I think.

----------Author's Note----------

I promise I'll stop with the authors notes but I just wanted to say if you ever need to talk rant, vent, whatever my inbox is always open. I will always try and support or advise the best I can because I knew that it can be harder to open up to people you know so here I am your friendly neighborhood stranger to rant, vent, or whatever to.

Also if you have any ideas for this book or any ideas for future books once this book is completed let me know!

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