"Maybe he will ask you to go on a date with him," I said and smiled
"Oh please, I mean if he wasn't a werewolf I would probably think about it but not now!"Anthi told me.
We kept laughing and telling jokes.

I spent one week with homework and school. Derek didn't want to interrupt me from my studying but his decision helped me stay concentrated.

It was Monday noon, after school. I saw Scott and Stiles approaching me outside the school.
"Hey, Sylvie!" Stiles said and smiled
"Hello, guys! What's wrong?"I asked
"We need to talk. Can you please follow us in the car?"Scott asked me
"Okay....."I said and then we got into Stiles' car.
Scott was staring at me but seemed skeptical and upset.

"Scott, is everything okay?" I asked him
"You know, Anthi called me last week from your phone and asked me to tell Derek to meet her at your house but.......She said that it was something between you and Derek. Sylvie, did you make out with him?"Scott asked me
My heart was beating fast and I started feeling a little anxious.

"What? No of course not! Why would you...."

"Sylvie, I know that you are lying. I'm a werewolf and I can feel your heart right now," he said
"Yes, Scott but Anthi doesn't know that. She just thought that it would be more normal to tell you that excuse. She doesn't know that you are a werewolf." I said
"Okay I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure that Derek told us the truth about Peter," he said
"Oh, so you are informed about what happened," I said
"Yes, we all are!"Stiles replied from the backseat.
"Does Derek have a plan?" I asked
"We don't know yet," Scott said
"Let me know if you have an idea. I'm sorry but I have to leave." I said and left.

Anthi made Mac and cheese and it was delicious. Usually, she cooks and washes the dishes and I do the rest of the work such as mopping and dusting. I have to say that we are very good roommates.
"Do you want me to pay the bills?" I asked her
"No I will do it today and after that, I will go to Michael's. I need cuddles from him!" she said and smiled
"Yeah me too, "I whispered
"What did you say?"
"Nothing, you should go I mean you two are a couple, you should have cuddles and kisses and you know......love," I said, and then I felt a little awkward.

Okay, I admit it! I am jealous of Anthi because she doesn't have to hide her boyfriend and her feelings for him but I have! I mean I want to do all that stuff with Derek but he is not that genial and whole-hearted. Sometimes I think that maybe this is wrong but I miss him! I want to see him again! After a very long time, I am finally in love with someone and my body wants to feel it too.

"Okay, you should lock the door because I will be late," Anthi said and left with a cute smile.
I locked the door and I decided to watch a movie. I laid on the couch and tried to pay attention to the film but it was hard. I closed the TV and I let my thoughts come back to my head.

How would I be without Derek? I feel so messed up because, after two years of suffering and depression, my life is finally normal, even though I'm dating a werewolf.

Then the doorbell rang and stopped my melancholic thoughts. I opened the door and I saw Derek.
"Hi..."he said
"This is the first time that you knocked on the door..."I said and smiled.
"You didn't have an unlocked window..."Derek said
"Yes because there is a handsome guy with a wild face and beautiful green eyes who actually breaks into my room and sometimes stares at me while I am sleeping," I said

"You caught me didn't you?" Derek said and smiled at me.

I'm starting to feel hot and it's almost winter.

"You've done it twice this week! But I find it cute. Please come in."I said and took some steps back
When Derek came into my house I saw that he was a little confused.
"I know that Anthi doesn't agree with our relationship so that's why I was breaking into your room. You are cute when you are sleeping," he said.

"Thank you, It's because I feel safe with you," I said
Then I came close to him and kissed his lips. Then he looked at me and kissed me back.
When he does that I can feel a lot of pleasure permeating my body.
He seems so experienced.

We went to my room and I lay on my bed. He came above me and our kisses became more passionate. Then he took off his shirt and I took off my top. I was touching his strong arms and I felt so safe and pleased. I wanted to scream that I belonged to him. Then all these emotions disappeared while he was unbuttoned my skirt. Derek's movements were the same as the guy from that night. That terrible flashback came again in my mind.
"PLEASE STOP! Ahhhhh!"

"Sylvie!"Derek said
Then I realized that I was shaking
"What happened?"
"Nothing, it's my first time and I was just a little anxious," I said and smiled.
"If you want me to stop, I will."
"No of course not. You make me happy. I feel so safe with you and you are the only guy that I want to make love with." I said
Then he smiled at me and kissed me again. I could feel his body in mine, all that passion, all that pleasure he was giving to me, made my love and my desire for him, more intense.

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