Episode 3-20: The Next Step

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Later in the evening after school ended, Glory went back to the Savanaclaw dormitory when she meets up with Grim, and the three Savanaclaw boys at the lounge.

"Eh? You guys seriously went to the Coral Sea?" Ruggie ask curiously looking bewildered as the lion let's out a sigh and pinch his temple.

"You're too dumb." Leona bluntly remarks.

"Ffgna!? You're the one who told us to hurry up and do something!" Grim chides with a glare, but Leona huffs and folds his arms.

"Nobody said anything about jumping into the ocean like an idiot. Your time is limited. I meant, use your head to come up with a worthwhile course of action." Leona nonchalantly advises. Though Glory is quite fed up with his apathy as she furrows her brows and slams her fist to the table flinching Jack, Grim, and Ruggie.

"Look we're trying, but could you at least try not to act like a goddamn asswipe for one day and help us out!?" Glory bellows, but soon regret it when a three gold rocks arise from the ground yelping one savanaclaw resident nearby as well as Grim and the Savanaclaw trio. Jack, who is sitting right next to her, lays a hand on her shoulder and leans to her ear.

"Calm down." He whispers making Glory widen her eyes when she almost forgot about her newfound power. Aware of possessing the moonstone opal, Glory let's out a sigh as she takes a deep breath and exhale out from her nose and unclench her fist while slowly trying to regain her composure so the three rocks will descend back down to the ground. After that, Glory turns to Jack with a small grin.

"Thanks Jack and sorry about that." Glory apologizes but Jack shook his head at her.

"Don't worry about it, just be careful next time." Jack reassures and she nods with a grin.

"I will." Glory replies. Ruggie on the other hand, was a bit stunned by the sudden magic as his ears perk up and a sweatdrop drips down from his head.

"See! I told you she has rock powers!!" Grim screeches pointing out the fact.

"Yeah...I get your point." Ruggie said understanding his point with his ears droop down.

Damn...Grim and Jack wasn't lying when he said she can grow rocks out of the ground...

Ruggie thought with a slightly shock expression.

"Great, I have this newfound power that I'm struggling with." Glory grumbles while pinching her forehead as she heard Leona huffing.

"You're really stubborn aren't ya Lioness? I said use your head, got that?" Leona reminds her before curling his brows.

"And you found the moonstone opal at the Coral Sea in where exactly?" Leona ask curiously.

"It was buried under the sand near the bush of seaweeds." Glory told him.

"Yeah and I was there when I saw her swimming somewhere!" Grim points out.

"You didn't even stop her?" Jack ask curiously.

"She told me not to." Grim said.

"And with the sundrop flower and moonstone opal reunited, I have the ability to gain access to unleash the ultimate power from both the sundrop and moonstone." Glory explains.

"Damn. Merlin ain't joking when he said you'll be Twisted Wonderland's future queen." Ruggie admits.

"Yeah, but I barely managed to control my moonstone power. Meaning I have to do some yoga practices tomorrow, so I could maintain more control over my mind and control the moonstone opal better." Glory informs making the little hyena sigh at her plight.

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