Bonus Chapter 8 • Last Day of Freedom

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A/N: This Bonus Chapter is actually set in time before the last one where JJ and Trish got a bit tipsy at the bachelorette party, but this was an important detail-y chapter 😂
Do ya forgive me for "going back in time"?
Pleeeeaaassssseeeee 🙏🏻💋

"This seems like a nice spot under the tree," Mum muses, patting my hand that's holding onto her arm and we stop walking. "Who has the blanket?"

"I do," Gemma says and I reach down to pet Maggie so she doesn't get too excited. "There we go- oops, Michal, grab that corner, please. The wind caught it."

"Got it, love."

"Alright, Harry, you can sit right here, that way Maggie can be right next to you."

"Thanks, Mum."

Once I'm sat down, I inhale the warm fresh air and exhale with a satisfied smile because it's the perfect weather for the picnic in the park that I've requested as my bachelor party. It wasn't even a question as to what I wanted to do on my last day as an unmarried man because I wanted to spend it with the people who mean the most to me, besides JJ, of course.

"It's quite busy today," Gemma says. "There are a lot of people here."

"I guess this gorgeous weather is just too hard to resist," Mum offers and everyone agrees. "Okay, are we hungry and ready to eat now?"

"I know I am, and I think Maggie is ready for her food as well."

"Alright, here's her little bag," Mum says, guiding my hand to the bag, "and I'll get the sandwiches unpacked."

Maggie's hyper panting lets me know she knows her food is on the way and I can't say I blame her one bit for being excited. I smirk as I take out the container and set it down next to my leg and as I take off the lid, her breaths fan over hands almost as if she's watching their every move.

"There you go, Maggie. Bon appétitè."

"My granddog was hungry, the poor thing," Mum says fondly and I nod with a smile. "Alright, love, are you ready for your plate now?"

"Yes, more than ready. M'starving," I answer, wiping my hands on my shorts before holding out my hands. "Do we have any crisps to go with it?"

"Kettle popped at three o'clock, and a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant roll takes up the left side."

"Thanks. I do love your famous chicken salad."

"Oh, I wouldn't call it famous," she bashfully says.

"I don't know, Mum," Gemma muses, "it has won several 'Best Dish' ribbons at our block parties. You could give Michal a run for his money."

"Nonsense. I don't want to brag, plus Michal is the chef of our little group."

"Oh c'mon, Anne, you know I consider you the Master Chef," Michal says, making us all laugh.

"Alright, alright," Gemma says to calm us down, "now that we have our food, let's make a toast. Here's your glass of champagne, love bug," she says and I reach out for her to place the glass in my hand. "Here's to Harry on the day before his wedding."

"Hear hear!" we collectively say and take a sip of the champagne.

After I make sure my glass is secured next to my leg, I feel around for my sandwich on the plate and I bring it up my mouth and the aroma alone makes my mouth water. I take a bite and set it back down on the plate so I can grab a few crisps.

"Here are some napkins if anyone would like one," Mum says, no doubt for my benefit and I feel the soft material on my arm.

"Thanks," I mumble with my mouth still full and I wipe my mouth and chin while I chew.

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