Chapter 63 • Love You Enough

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Harry opens the door to his place and gestures his hand for me to go in first. Since I'm carrying our bag of presents, I accept his offer and flip on the light switch before gently setting the bag on the coffee table while he and Maggie come inside. He shuts the door and exhales a heavy breath, turning to face me.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight. I hope your enjoyed yourself."

"I-I did. I had a lovely time. Your family is just . . . they're wonderful people."

He exhales another heavy breath, readjusting his grip on Maggie's harness, probably as a distraction like I'm doing by mindlessly fiddling with the necklace hanging around my neck that he gave me earlier. I know he's felt a difference between us since we left my parents' cabin this morning because I feel it, too, and we have yet to talk about it.

"Listen, uhm, it's getting late," he says, breaking the awkward silence. "You said you wanted to go home tonight and I don't want you to be late for work tomorrow. I'll walk you to your car to make sure you're safe."

His generosity and thoughtfulness of my well-being brings me to tears and I just can't hold my emotions back anymore. I reach up to wipe a tear from my cheek and my quiet sniff captures his attention.

"What's wrong, love?" he worriedly asks, walking over to me with the help of Maggie's guidance. I reach out and touch his shoulder to let him know where I am and he stops in front of me. "Please don't take what I said out of context. I want you to stay the night, but I know you want to go home tonight. Just know that I'm not trying to make you leave."

A sob that I can't hold back escapes my throat and he pulls me in for a hug. I close my eyes, resting my head on his chest as he holds me in his arms and I wrap my arms around his waist to steady my balance. His warm embrace and intoxicating cologne make me feel safe and loved and the thought of losing him over my mum's ridiculous ultimatum infuriates me.

"Let's sit and talk for a second," he says and I nod on his chest before leaning back to wipe my tears. "Maggie, take me to the couch, please."

Once we're sat down next to each other, I blow out a calming breath while he waits for me. He's being extremely patient right now, but I'm not surprised.

"I think there's a box of tissues there on the coffee table," he says and I reach over to take one.

"Thank you."

He nods in acknowledgement, turning in his seat to face me properly. It's like he's both asking me to tell him what's wrong and saying it's okay all at the same time and I just can't take it anymore.

"Alright, but first, I want you to know that I didn't agree to do what my mum said."

"O-okay," he sounds confused which makes me feel even worse because he doesn't deserve any of this.

I exhale a heavy breath, dabbing the wadded tissue underneath my eyes.

"My mum, she's a . . . never mind. It wouldn't be very kind of me to say, but bottom line, my mum basically told me to . . . to break up with you."

His expression is as if I've just slapped him in the face. "Was it something I said or did while we were at the cabin? Did I offend her?"

"No, you didn't. Trust me. This is all just her imagination and holier-than-thou attitude. She thinks she's better than everyone else and if you're not in her worthy circle of friends, there's no hope. Believe me; I know first-hand."

"She's not the most compassionate or well-mannered person in the world," he says and I crack a smile.

"That's putting it lightly," I roll my eyes and he snickers, immediately clearing his throat.

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