Chapter 56 • Get Naked First

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"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night," Leo says and JJ and I let go of our hands to join in applauding with everyone else.

"That was lovely, Dad. Thank you for reading the story to us."

"Of course, peanut. It's a Jenning tradition after all," he says and she hums in agreement. "Tell us, Harry, do you have any holiday traditions with your family?"

I perk up at the fact Leo's including me in the conversation and I clear my throat, "Uhm, yeah, we have a few, and thank you for letting me be apart of yours."

"You're quite welcome. The more the merrier."

"Alright, I've had enough fun for the day. I'm off to bed," her tone is short and it takes me a few seconds to realize it's Mrs. Jenning. "Oh wait, I almost forgot; the stockings."

I lean in close to JJ, "What is she talking about?"

"Oh it's fun. We get to open our stockings that have a pair of candy cane striped pyjamas that we all wear tonight so we match when we all open our presents in the morning," she explains and I'm startled by something being dropped onto my lap. "Mum! You can't just do that without letting him know first."

"It's okay, love, please," I quietly beg and she huffs out a breath.

Instead of making a scene, I turn my attention to the fuzzy object and I feel the soft material of what I assume are the pyjamas. I can sense JJ's frustration through her huffed breaths and I reach my hand over to feel for her thigh.

"Did you get your pyjamas?"

"Yeah." Her tone is short, letting me know she's still upset.

"Would you like to go to our room now?" I ask, already feeling her scoot off of the couch. With the stocking in my left hand, I stand up and feel for Maggie's harness. "I think we're calling it a night as well."

As everyone bids us goodnight, JJ slips her hand through my arm and we start walking out of the living room. She stops us from walking and she places my hand on a wood surface that I assume is the handrail for the staircase. With each step, I try to rack my brain for any reason why she's so upset with me.

It might be the selfish part of me, but as soon as we get in our room, I'm just going to apologize because I don't want this to ruin our sexy bath time that we've had planned. The echoes from the hallway disappear and the softness beneath my shoes lets me know we're in our room and I hear her shut the door.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you in front of everyone. I didn't-"

"That's not why I'm upset," she exhales a heavy breath and with Maggie's help, I walk over to her.

"Then why are you upset? Just give me a chance to fix what I did, or said, and if you could tell me what I did or said, that would be helpful."

She doesn't laugh at my attempt to lighten this moment with a silly joke and the quietness allows me to hear the ticking of the clock that's in our room somewhere. I tuck my stocking underneath my arm and I hold out my hand for hers. She doesn't accept my gesture, so I step closer to her.


"What is the matter, JJ?"

"It's just . . . she knows I'm not that bloody size anymore and yet she still has the audacity to buy it for me. And I know it was purposeful. She's just that way. God, she just loves humiliating me, especially when there's an audience."

JJ lets out a whimper and inhales a shaky breath so I know she's crying now. The sweet perfumed air wafting over my face lets me know she's walking past me and I incline my ear to listen for where she's going. I hear the squeak of what sounds like springs, so I assume she's sitting on the bed and I readjust my grip on the harness.

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