Chapter 25 • Dreams Come True

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As I turn the key in the lock, I notice yesterday's mail sticking out of the mailbox in my peripheral vision. Carefully juggling Harry's coffee tumbler that's long been empty, the paper bag of groceries I stopped to get and my purse in one arm, I reach over to grab the few envelopes and market ads.

I push the door open with my hip to step inside and I close it behind me. Exhaling a heavy breath, I turn the lock and set everything on the coffee table.

"Hi, Romeo. Hi, Juliet. Thanks for holding down the fort while I was gone," I greet my fish while taking the cap off their food bottle. As I sprinkle some into the tank, I watch with a smile as they swim out of hiding within the decorations and up to the surface. "There you two go. Eat up."

After replacing the cap on the bottle, I take the bag of groceries to the kitchen and start putting the items away. Even though my stomach has been growling ever since I woke up at Harry's place, I want to shower first.

Using a wash rag to wipe off the chocolate remnants from last night helped, but nothing compares to a proper shower, and being surprised by my monthly cycle when I woke up this morning was the icing on the damn cake. Thankfully, I was able to scrub the small trace out of Harry's bathrobe so I wouldn't be any more humiliated than I still am.

It's several minutes later and after a much needed shower that I'm dressed in my lounging clothes which consist of my comfy plaid bottoms, a loose-fitting shirt and a pair of fuzzy socks. As I begin towel drying my hair, I mentally go over all that I need to do in preparation for the week.

Cleaning, a hamper full of laundry and prepping the food for my work lunches await me and I already want to take a nap. At some point, I'll have to go over my upcoming projects for work, but right now, eating is my priority.

As I hang the damp towel on the hook, my phone vibrates on the countertop and I can't control my smile as I swipe the text message notification open.

"We just got back from brunch. The French toast and bacon were good but it would've been better if you were with us. Have a lovely day. H."

Jogging in place, I let out a squeal like a proper idiot and I start typing my reply.

"I'm glad you had a nice time. We'll have to plan for it next time then, yeah? I hope you have a lovely day as well and thank you again for letting me stay the night. Talk to you soon. JJ."

After I press Send, I make my way out of the loo and my phone vibrates again. Swiping open his text, I plop down on my bed with my legs elevated on the headboard and I read his reply.

"Is now too soon? Asking for a friend."

Giggling like a complete idiot at his text, I cross my right ankle over my left and X out of Messages. Even though I'm hungry and could demolish an entire buffet, I'd much rather talk to Harry. As I scroll through my contacts to the H's, I take a deep breath and press on his name.

"Ha! I guess now isn't too soon then, hey?" his laugh makes me smile.

"Shall we have your friend look it up in Webster's Dictionary?"

"About that; I have something to confess."

"And what's that, Harry?"

"It was me. I'm the friend asking if now was too soon to talk to you."

"Really?" I fake gasp. "I am completely and utterly shocked."

"You seem rather calm for being in utter shock," he plays along, making me laugh. "Okay, let's make our own definition, shall we? 'Soon,' when describing the time frame of waiting for the next opportunity to talk to you, should be 'I wish it were right this very second.'"

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