Bonus Chapter 4 • A Million Times

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"We're coming up on the speed bump, just so you know," JJ kindly warns me and I reach up to grab ahold of the handlebar. She slows the car down and I anticipate the right-hand turn into our designated parking spot in front of our building. After she parks, she turns the engine off and I follow her lead by unbuckling my seatbelt. "We're home."

"Wonderful," I say, trying to act nonchalant by folding my hands on my lap.

"You know," she purrs, smoothing her hand up my thigh, "I have a special surprise planned for you once we get inside."

"What?" my heart drops to my stomach at the thought of her finding out what I have planned.

She giggles, "There's no need to shout, love. I'm right here."

"M'sorry, I just . . . what's your surprise?"

"If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? But I will give you a hint. It has something to do with our anniversary and what I'm wearing underneath my dress. Here, gimme your hand."

She takes my hand in hers and places my palm on her warm thigh, guiding it underneath her dress for me to feel her thigh-high tights and the garter straps holding them up. Her legs aren't spread that much since there's little space the car, but it's turning me on.

"Fuck," I mutter and she giggles.

"That will happen later. What do you say we go inside now and continue with our celebration, hm?"

"Uhm, y-yeah, let's uhm, let's go inside."

"Why are you so nervous. You're acting like we've never shagged before," she says and I clear my throat.

"You're just so sexy that it drives me mad sometimes."

"Mhm, nice save, Styles," she giggles and I hear the door open. "Just a second and I'll come around for you."

While I wait for her, I remind myself to remain calm and I slowly blow out a breath. The sound of her nails tapping on the window lets me know she's there and I open the door to get out. It's amazing how our routine has become like second nature; with her guiding my hand to her elbow and us walking in sync.

"Before we go inside and are distracted by an anniversary shag, I want to thank you for a lovely evening. I'd say our romantic dinner at the Blueprint Café would've been enough, but I quite enjoyed The London Eye," JJ says in a hushed tone as we walk up the pathway to our flat.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I can't believe you've lived in England your entire life and have never been on the Eye before tonight. I'm blind and I've been on it loads of times."

JJ gasps in playful offense, "Are you taking the piss at me? Tonight of all nights?"

"No, of course not. I'm smarter than that," I grin in her direction, earning a giggle and she stops us from walking to what I guess is our front door.

I let go of her elbow to reach into my pocket for the keys and I feel for the doorknob, exhaling a nervous breath. If all went according to the plan Gemma and I came up with, she's had enough time to come in, set everything up and take Maggie home for the night, and if I weren't so nervous right now, I'd feel bad for having her do everything for me.

As soon as I hear the lock click, I open the door and gesture for JJ to go inside first. I follow her inside and shut the door behind me and she breathlessly says my name.

"What's all this?"

"Uhm, could you please tell me if there are battery-operated candles lit all throughout the living room and a vase of a dozen roses on the coffee table?"

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