Chapter 41 • A Step Back

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"Avocado toast with a hard boiled egg," Dana, our server says while setting the plate in front of me and she turns towards Harry, "and a sunny side up egg sandwich on brioche bread with a side salad. Can I get you two anything else?"

"Oh! My bacon," I blurt out at a rather loud volume for the small patio area and laughter across the way captures my attention.

Dana apologizes for forgetting part of the order and promptly leaves, revealing the people behind the laughter. Sat at the table across from us, two young men around University age are looking directly at me so I know it's because of my unintentional shouting and I give them an apologetic smile with an awkward wave.

"Of course she ordered bacon," one says, pushing his nose up with his finger while the other lad makes a snorting sound.

My smile fades and I clear my throat, returning my attention to Harry. It appears he didn't hear it since he's still unfolding his napkin for the silverware. My eyes start to well with tears and even though my heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces from embarrassment, I pretend as if it's not and grab my silverware.

"Here we go, love," Dana sets a saucer of four strips of bacon next to my plate. "Enjoy."

I thank her with a polite nod and smile because if I speak right now, I know I'll burst into tears and I don't want to give anything away to ruin this brunch date. I look down at my food, quickly realizing my mistake and I look over at Harry's plate.

"Your sandwich is to your left, the side salad is to your right and the vinaigrette cup is next to it, no lid."

"JJ," he quietly says, leaning into the table. "Would you like for me to say something?"

"What do you mean? Like grace over the food?" I ask, setting down my knife and fork.

"I heard."

My heart drops to my stomach. I've gone from slightly embarrassed to mortified now and the tears that I've held in finally roll down my cheeks.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to say something to them?"

"What? No, I'm fine. It's not a big deal. Let's just eat our food before it gets cold," I offer as an excuse so he'll drop the subject. He exhales a heavy breath, moving to sit back in his chair and he feels around for his plate. While I divide my toast into small bites, I decide to change the subject. "It's perfect weather for a patio brunch, yeah?"

He acknowledges my clever diversion with a simple nod, picking up his sandwich and he sets it back down on the plate.

"We can ask Dana to sit us at table if you'd like."

"What? No, I said it's fine. Just drop it, alright? Let's eat."

He huffs out a breath and I can tell I hurt his feelings with my abrupt tone and harsh words. Suddenly, I'm not hungry anymore and to think this happened all because I ordered bacon to take back to Maggie when I drop Harry off at home.

"Darn it, I forgot to wash my hands," I offer as an excuse, pushing back in my chair from the table and I fit my purse strap over my shoulder. "I'll be right back."

I don't wait for him to answer and I make my way out of the patio area into the crowded restaurant, maneuvering around people who are waiting for a table. I finally reach the ladies' room and exhale a breath, pushing the door open. Once I'm inside a private stall, I lock the door and bury my face in my hands.

If I were by myself, the scene that unfolded just now wouldn't have bothered me like it did. I would've ignored their rude comments, eaten my meal, paid for it and left, but since Harry's with me, I'm mortified and I also feel bad because he looked like he felt bad for me.

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