Bonus Chapter 6 • Some Time

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"We're here, and it seems like we're the first of the guests to arrive," JJ says and I hear the car engine stop. "We're a tad early. It's a quarter till and Gemma said eleven. I don't care to show at a party earlier than the time planned, so can we sit out here?"

"It's just Gem. I'm sure she won't mind, but if you want to wait here, we can," I reply, unbuckling my seatbelt to get comfortable and Maggie whimpers. "It's okay, Maggie."

"I think she's just excited for our engagement party," JJ playfully says. "I mean, it's a brunch so there might be B-A-C-O-N."

"Knowing Michal, I'm sure he made at least two dishes with that ingredient."

She giggles and I feel her hand on mine, "I can't believe we're engaged."

"Really? You really can't believe it?" I playfully challenge, linking our fingers together.

"Well, I didn't want to assume you'd propose. You know what happens when you assume."

I smirk in her direction, "No. What happens?"

"You're such a goof, but I love you."

"I love you, too. Since we have a few minutes, what do you say we have a little snog session, hm?"

"Actually I'd prefer not to look like my fiancée just felt me up in the car before we're around your family and my dad."

I breathe out a nervous laugh, wondering if I should just tell her about my genius plan now. Maggie huffs out a couple breaths and I decide to use that to my advantage.

"Mind if we let her do her business before we go in?"

"Sure. I'll get her and we'll come around for you."

While I wait, I wonder if I should've told her that her mum is planning to be here. Even though Mrs. Jenning sounded remorseful over the phone, I have my doubts because my palms seem to have more sweat glands than normal.

A light tapping on my window lets me know she's there and I open the door to get out.

"Careful now. There's a curb," she warns, taking my hand in hers. "There we are. Maggie's by your right leg. I've got the door."

"Thank you, love," I reach down and feel for the harness. "Okay, Maggie, let's go on the grass. M'sure you need a wee before we go inside."

"I have the doggie doody bag just in case."

"I'll take care of that. I know you're in a dress and high heels. I wouldn't want something to happen."

"Aw, that's very thoughtful of you," she coos, linking her arm through mine and even through the thickness of our coats, her touch still sends electricity through my veins. "I think she's found her spot."

"Good. If you give me the bag, I'll pick it up when she's done."

"Sure, but only if you give me a kiss first."

"Hmm, I think I can do that," I grin, leaning down for her to meet me and I'm startled a tad by her lips touching mine. Maggie tugs at the harness, signaling that she's done. "If you guide me to the spot, I'll pick it up."

"Sure, it's just a couple inches in front of your right boot there." With the bag over my hand, I reach down to pick it up and once I'm sure I got it all, I stand back up and twist the bag closed. "We can drop it in the outside bin on our way to the door."

"What a team we are, hey?"

"Yes, a very good team," she agrees, guiding my hand to her elbow and we start walking. "I'll pop open the lid. It's right in front of you."

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