Chapter 8 • Until Next Time

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"I think it looks good; casual yet sophisticated."

Gemma's reassuring statement about my clothes for my date doesn't do anything for me since my nerves seemed to have taken over.

"Are you sure? This isn't like the time we were kids and you told me that my shirt was fine yet my schoolmates said it was inside out and backwards, is it?"

"No, and I've already apologized for my cruel adolescent phase," she says, fiddling with my collar and I feel her hands smooth over my shoulders. "There. Now to finish off the ensemble, lemme get your tassel loafers. Just a sec."

I wait while she goes to my closet and I turn to my right, "Do I look good, Maggie? Be honest."

She answers me with a bark and I reach down with a smile to pet her head.

"Put these on," Gemma says, guiding my hand to her shoulder and I slip my right foot into the shoe, then my left. "The socks even go. Splendid. Okay, I'd say I did a pretty good job of whipping up this fit."

"Thanks for your help, Gem. I really appreciate it," I say and she hums in response. She's been quieter than usual ever since she picked me up at work and I know it has everything to do with her doctor appointment today. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She hesitates with a hum, "I am. It got me thinking, though. I'm definitely not ready to have a baby right now and it reminded me to be more careful."

"Lesson learned then, so it wasn't all bad," I offer and she agrees.

"I'll tell Michal later tonight. Alright, and for the pièce de résistance; here are your sunnies."

"Thanks," I put them on and hold out my arms. "So, how do I look?"

"You look good; very handsome. How do you feel?" she asks and I blow out a breath. "Dear God, go brush your teeth."

I smirk, "That bad?"

"Yes, now go."

"Yes, ma'am," I tease, reaching down to grab the harness. "Maggie, take me to the loo, please." She leads me the seven steps and I pet her head. "Thank you. I'll be just a minute."

I decide to kill two birds with one stone and I close the door behind me for privacy. After relieving myself, I reach out to feel for the faucet to wash my hands. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste to the right of the soap dispenser and using my finger to feel the amount, I squeeze some toothpaste onto the bristles.

"When you're done in there, I wanna see how this tie will look on you," Gemma says through the door and I mumble a smart response. "I heard that."

Grinning in victory, I rinse my toothbrush and my mouth before patting my mouth and chin dry. The smell of my aftershave is still fresh since I shaved after I showered a little bit ago and I exhale a determined, minty breath, mentally giving myself a pep talk.

"She just pulled up at the house!"

"Shit," I mutter, opening the door and I grab Maggie's harness. "Take me to the door, please."

"Bollocks, the tie won't go with your shirt."

"Good. I don't want to wear a tie right now; not on the first real date. I don't want to scare her off."

"How would that scare-"

"I don't know, Gem, just-, is she walking back here?"

"Uhhh, yeah. She's almost at the door."

Exhaling a breath, I grip Maggie's harness a little tighter out of nervousness and I hear several knocks at the door. I let out a breath, opening the door and I smile.

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