Chapter 37 • Fair Is Fair

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"Now that everyone is seated, Leonard, would you like to say something before we begin?" Mum asks from the opposite end of the extravagantly decorated table that I'm sure was done by her decorator.

"Of course, darling," Dad replies, standing from his chair and he clears his throat. "It's always a special occasion when our family, and someone new," he nods to Harry and I give his hand a little squeeze to let him know, "can get together. We're missing another member of our family this year-" he chokes up and I have to hold back my tears. "But those who aren't with us anymore will always remain in our hearts and memories. In this season of thanksgiving, let us be thankful for those who are in our lives; past, present and future."

"Hear hear," Mum raises her glass of wine and I lean in close to Harry.

"Everyone's raising their glass," I quietly say and he reaches for his glass to raise with us.

After we take a sip, the passing of the dishes commences and it's the moment I've been dreading. I know for a fact that my mum will be scrutinizing every scoop I put on my plate and flashbacks of my childhood flood my mind.

"Joy . . . Joy," Mum's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "I had Martha make a special salad for you. It's low-calorie and low-fat. I think you'll like it."

I'm stunned speechless at the fact she's singled me out in front of everyone, but I'm not surprised. I feel Harry's hand on my thigh and my thoughts are brought immediately to him and I suddenly wonder how this is going to work. While my aunt and cousins start scooping the food onto their plates, I lean in close to Harry.

"How do you want to do this?" I whisper so no one can hear.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, m'fine. How do you want to handle the plating situation?" I ask, watching his worried expression fade.

"Is it family style where you pass the dish around the table?" he asks and I hum favorably in answer. "Oh okay . . . I don't want to make a mess, so would you mind . . .?"

"Don't mind at all," I'm gently nudged by Parker and I thank him with a smile as I take the dish, coming up with a brill plan as I scoop a spoonful onto my plate. "Mm, I love French cut green beans. Since I have the bowl, would you like some Harry?"

"I would, thank you," he replies with a smirk and I scoop a spoonful onto his plate.

After repeating the creative plan for the rest of the food, I lead his hand to his silverware that's rolled within the cloth napkin.

"Turkey is at noon, green beans and corn are at three, and mashed potatoes topped with gravy are at six."

"Thank you, love. I appreciate your help."

I grin at his word choice, knowing the meaning behind it and I soothe his shoulder before unrolling my napkin for my silverware. As I place my napkin over my lap, my mum says my name and I mentally prepare for whatever she's going to say.

"That was quite a fascinating show there," she says and I take a big bite of potatoes, keeping my eyes on her. "Will you have to do that for Harry every time you have a meal together?"

"Mm!" I cover my mouth that's still full and I swallow the food so quickly I nearly choke. "Just shut the-"

"I heard the most interesting fact about potatoes the other day," Will interrupts me and the whole lot is quiet around the table. "Would anyone care to hear it?"

"I, for one, would love to hear it," Harry says and I glance over at him with a smirk.

"Splendid," Will says and proceeds to tell us the most boring fact about potatoes and their origin and different types and I couldn't be more grateful, no matter how silly his spiel might be. "And that's how we're able to celebrate with these tasty taters today. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone."

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