Chapter 7 • That Feeling

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I drop my phone next to me on the bed and fall back into the pillows, covering my face with my hands. In a juvenile fit, I kick my legs and let out an embarrassed groan.

"Oh my God."

Inhaling a deep breath, I fold my hands over my stomach and open my eyes to the ceiling of my bedroom. Despite the fact that I made a fool of myself while talking to Harry just now, a smile pulls at the corners of my mouth.

"I've gotta let the guys know."

I grab my phone, moving quickly to get out of bed and I pose in front of my full-length mirror. After snapping a few pictures, I choose the best one and attach it to the group text that Trish, Emmet and I so cleverly named JET with the caption: 'Ya girl just got asked out on a second date!'

I hit Send and do my little happy dance before heading downstairs. It's a quarter after seven and I'm starving, so I'm glad I put a small frozen lasagna in the oven as soon as I got home from work. My sushi lunch and apple for my afternoon snack didn't last long and thanks to my loft-style townhouse, the lasagna's heavenly aroma has been making my stomach growl for a good forty minutes.

A ding from my phone captures my attention and I smile as I swipe the text notification open.

Trish: 'Yay I'm so happy for you! We'll have to discuss your outfit tomorrow.'

"I'm not gonna wear a miniskirt, if that's what you're thinking and I know that's what you're thinking, Trish."

After I type my reply, I grab two potholders and take the lasagna tray out of the oven to set on top of the stove. Waiting for it to cool down is the hardest part and thankfully the sound of the water trickling in my small aquarium captures my attention.

I walk into my living room to the entertainment center and grab the fish food bottle next to the tank.

"Hi, Romeo, hi, Juliet. Are you guys hungry?"

I sprinkle some food into the tank and I twist the cap back on, smiling as they swim to the surface for the flakes. A ding from my phone startles me and I smile as I swipe open the text notification.

Emmet: 'Atta girl and I love the sockies. The person who gave them to you must have impeccable taste and love you very much.'

Walking back into the kitchen, I reply with a kissy emoji and put my phone in the pocket of my joggers. After dishing out a portion of lasagna onto a plate, I sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and grab a soda from the ice box before heading back into the living room.

I set the plate and soda can on the coffee table and make myself comfortable in the corner of the sofa with my fluffy pillow. I'm in need of a distraction to keep me from bouncing off the walls, so I flip the channel to my favorite DIY home improvement show and set the remote down so I can grab my plate.

The half-hour show entertains me enough to where I'm not jittery out of excitement anymore and I swallow my last bite of delicious lasagna. While I could go for seconds, I decide to portion out what's left for my lunch tomorrow, knowing it'll give me something to look forward to.

After I clean up the kitchen, I grab a chocolate candy bar from my sweets stash in the cabinet and I make myself comfortable on the couch once again.

A half hour of watching another home improvement show goes by and I turn off the tellie, letting out a yawn. I put my empty candy wrapper in the bin and turn off the lights before heading upstairs for the night. After I brush my teeth, I put on my face and neck cream while I mentally prepare for work in the morning.

I'm nervous to find out what happened with the Arlington proposal, but I'm sure my boss will tell me as soon as I get in. In a twisted way, he likes to give good news or crush people's dreams first thing in the mornings. Either way, whatever happens, I enjoyed that project and learned from it, but it would be nice to get the commission from my hard work.

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