Chapter Thirty Two

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Third pov

It had been about 3 weeks since America had returned. She had been taken to the hospital wing the moment they returned to the palace. Unfortunately, her injuries were so severe she was put into a coma.

The doctor had told Maxon that America had a lot of blood loss and almost all of her cuts were infected. She had a broken rib and her ankle was twisted. Along with that she had suffered trauma to the head. It had been a miracle that she had survived for so long while being in such critical condition.

Americas family had been informed of the situation and they were beyond ecstatic to hear that America was alive.

All the girls who were still at the palace were sent home. Much to Kristen's distaste. Lisa and Emma were in tears when they saw the condition of their friend but nonetheless were thankful that she was back. They also didn't forget to scream a certain someone for being so idiotic. Typical Lisa behaviour.

Slowly, everything was falling back into place. Maxon would visit America every free moment he had. Talking to her about his day and his problems like he usually did during the first selection.

Every now and then Aspen and Chris would also come visit her. Everything was perfect, all that was left was for America to wake up.

But days were turning into weeks and weeks were turning into months. Maxon was doing well as a king, he had finally been able to start dissolving the caste system. Something he knew was important to America.

It had now been about 4 months. Maxon had worked hard with his team and dissolved eights, sevens and sixes. He had made so much progress and everything was running smoothly.

But beneath all those speeches about positivity and smiles, was a broken man. A man waiting for his love to finally wake up. A man who sat in his room late at night, writing letters to his loved one like he did when she left for her father's funeral for those few days. A man who spent every waking moment making sure nothing happened to her and made sure someone was with her every moment he wasn't.

Maxon still visited her and talked to her regularly. But slowly, Maxon's hope was starting to diminish. Thoughts slowly filled his head.

What of she isn't going to make it? What is she never wakes up? What if she doesn't want him back? What if what if what if.

Only those thoughts started to fill his mind. He felt like he was going crazy. And because of that, he began visiting America less. He always occupied himself with work and what used to be seeing her everyday, turned into seeing her every week and then every month before he completely stopped.

It had been around six months now. The only thing that had happened to America was that her blood pressure started rising and she was having a seizure. She was almost dead but with the help of the doctors she pulled through. After that nothing happened.

Today, Maxon had been feeling extremely depressed. Tearing down the fours caste was supposed to be easy but it was becoming hard and harder. Along with that the building up of stress dealing with alliances with other countries and attending millions of different events, Maxon was exhausted. He needed help. He needed America.

Today when he was taking a break, he decided to go visit America. It had been a while since he last went to see her and he felt a little bad about it.

Walking into her room, he felt a sudden relief when he looked at her. All her cuts and wounds were fully recovered and same with her broken bones. She wasn't wearing anymore bandages and she would've looked as if she were sleeping if it weren't for the oxygen mask she was wearing.

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