Chapter Twenty Four

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America pov

Today was the day the other five girls were going to arrive. And of course, I was told to make sure everything went smoothly. Why me, when I'm also apart of this whole thing? I'll never know.

It was currently 7am and the girls were due to arrive at 10, leaving me with 3 hours to make sure everything was fine. Firstly, the rooms.

I went to the hall where the previous selection was and looked into the rooms to make sure all the furniture and clothes were in place. The girls were asked in advance if they wanted anything in particular to make it feel more like home and only 3 of the 5 girls did. Everything looked set so I went to check on the next thing on the list, the maids.

I speed walked to the maids quarters and knocked on the head maids door. I heard steps coming my way and soon enough the door opened revealing my good friend Mary. Yes, my previous life's maid. She worked hard and quickly became head maid.

I guess you can say she was maid for this job, hahaha... Okay I'll stop now.

"Hey Mary, I don't have to much time so I'm gonna make this quick. Are the maids for the selected ready? By ready I mean they know who they're serving and any conditions the lady may have," I said quickly. Not even giving her a chance to speak.

"Yes I'm doing great, thanks for asking," she said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm on a tight schedule. I only have 2 hours and 30 minutes till the girls arrive and I still need to make sure some things are ready and I also need to get ready myself," I said, trying to get her to tell me so I could leave.

"Yes child they are ready, they know everything they need and are prepared so don't you worry your little bum over that okay?" She spoke as of I was a little baby.

I rolled me eye's but didn't retaliate. I didn't have much time "Thanks Mary, see ya later," I said waving goodbye whilst running away.

I quickly ran upstairs to finish the rest of my chor- I mean tasks.


I looked at my watch and it said 9:50. The others would arrive in ten minutes and I was standing outside on the front step with Maxon.

To say I was nervous was an understatement, it's not normal for me to act like this but this calm, collected, organized personality kind of stuck to me now. I'm not as aggressive and I'm able to think properly before saying something. This may he a good thing but it was really annoying cause it wasn't me.

Anyways, soon enough there was a limo pulling up to the front. Maxon and I walked closer as the chauffeur opened the door for the girls to come out. Five very beautiful girls stepped out of the limo and I suddenly felt a bit self conscious. Wow.

Once they saw Maxon they immediately curtsied and smiled. But then when they stood back up and looked at me, two girls smiled, one didn't really do anything and the other two gave me a sneer. 'Wow rude.'

"Welcome to the palace girls! I'm glad all of you were able to make it and I hope you all enjoy your stay here. I'm sure all of you are tired so I'll have my trusty assistant and your fellow selectionee Amelia, show you all to your rooms," I mentally rolled my eyes at that.

"Everything you need is already there and if there is anything else you want or if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask a maid. Dinner will be served in your rooms for tonight, but I will see you all at breakfast tomorrow morning and hopefully get to know you all better. Farewell until tomorrow my dears and a good night to you all," he said finishing off his long introduction speech.

He gave me a look to get on with my part of the introduction then walked back inside. I sighed and put in a smile.

'just keep smiling' I said to myself.

"Hello everyone, as you already know, my name is Amelia and as his highness said, I'll show you to your rooms and give you a quick tour. Please follow me," I said. They followed as we went up to the seond floor and I gave them a quick run down on whats happening tomorrow along the way.

"Tomorrow after breakfast, lessons will commence to teach you basic etiquette, our history, and other things you will need to know if you want to be future queen. Our teacher, Sylvia is a strict person with strict rules. I suggest you do not get on her bad side otherwise you'll life here will become ten times harder. She will give us more details tomorrow." We made it to the rooms and before letting them go I quickly layed out the rules.

"One quick rule, no going to the third floor, gardens or men's room unless told personally by his highness or sylvia and absolutely no going out past curfew. Of you do there will be consequences including elimination. That is all i will say for now, more rules and other things will be layed out tomorrow by sylvia. Any questions?" I finally finished. The blonde girl who's name I'm pretty sure was Kristian raised her hand.

"Uh yeah, so how's it going to work with you. Since your the kings assistant, you most likely will have to spend a lot of time with him and are probably pretty close with him already. Also I bet your room is on the third floor so that isn't fair to the rest of us." She said. I knew this would happen so I gave the best possible answer.

"I will be staying in my original room but I will not be allowed to go near the royal chambers unless asked to. Also from this day, for the duration of my partaking in this competition, I have been excused from my duties unless it is important and my presence is needed. Apart from that I will recive the same treatment as the five of you and you five will also recive some more time with his highness than I will so he can get to know you better. After. Other than the meeting tomorrow, we wont have many interactions apart from the ones I mentioned before for the whole week. After that, I am one of you," I took a deep breath, satisfied with my explanation.

The girls nodded and there were no more questions so they all went to their designated rooms to get some rest. If only I could too. But nooo I need to be filling out a frick ton of paper work. I really hope I dont regret this.

I finally finished my paper work and looked at my clock to see that it was 9pm. Damn, time flies when you're working constantly with no break. I was going to get ready to leave but my office door opening prevented me from doing so. Guess who it was.


I quickly curtsied and stood back up to meet the furious glare of satan himself. No I'm just kidding but it was a really angry glare.

"You! Do you have any idea what you have done? Why the hell did you agree to participate in the selection? Are you out of your mind. I did all this to get you to not marry Maxon and now its as if we are back to square one!" He yelled quietly, if that even made any sense.

"Well, it's not like I could say no, he's the king and my boss. It would be utterly useless to say no because it's not like I have a choice if he wants something from me." I say and continue to clean up the papers littered all over my desk.

"I swear America, you better not win this. I want you to be the first one eliminated. If you dont then you know what will happen." Then he smirked. I sighed. Why is my life like this?

"I'll see what I can do, but I can't and won't guarantee that it'll happen. It is his choice and if he wants me to stay then I stay. If he wants me to leave them I'll leave. Okay?" I say and he nods then walks out.

I sigh and continue cleaning my office. Once finished I go to my room and quickly remove my disguise before falling asleep without any breakfast, lunch or dinner.
My poor, poor stomach.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'M SO SORRY. I lied I lied I lied. I tried to update early but life just decided to be a hoe. More fillers yaaaaay. This chapter was initially almost three thousand words so I made two parts to it. Yay two chapters :D. Ok so I'm not saying anything til you read the next part hehe. Voted and comments are appreciated. I hope you enjoyed. Now go read the next part.

Luv ya guysss<333


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