Chapter Twenty Two

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America pov

I neatly stacked my last completed documents and placed then into their folder then back into the filing cabinet.

I sighed in content, yet another task finished. I turned to my whiteboard where my schedule and tasks were written. I only had a few tasks left to do and I was glad. But then I looked at what the next task was and immediately groaned.

I had to meet with Maxon to discuss his next moves on getting a new wife. It already hurt seeing him with Kriss, now I have to feel even worse and help him find a new wife.

I also didn't want to really see him at the moment. I've been avoiding him for the past few days ever since I was stupid enough to ask him to stay with me the night and to make matters even worse, I said those blasted three words.

'I love you'

I shivered at the thought and immediately started to blush. Argh! Get a hold of yourself America! I slapped my cheeks a few times to get them to stop being to red and started to make my way over to his office.

Once there, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and my rapidly beating heart. I knocked softly and just as expected, a quiet "come in" was heard from the other side.

I slowly opened the door and saw Maxon sitting behind his large mahogany desk furiously writing away. His desk was filled with different papers everywhere. From requests for meetings from other countries to official complaints written by different provinces to dinner requests to financial related things.

Being a widower can sure be difficult, especially when the workload meant for two people is put onto one. And with people asking continuously for interviews, asking for things, wanting more money and ecetera, it can get really frustrating and stressful.

I stood in front of his desk patiently waiting for him to finish what he was doing. I noticed how his brows were knitted in concentration. The way his chocolatey brown eyes skimmed over the papers so quickly. How his hair was quite disheveled due to the multiple amount of times he's ran his hand through it. I didn't realize I was staring at him till he cleared his throat.

I instantly snapped out of my weird trance and looked at him.

"What can I do for you Amelia?" He asked, his tone if voice sounding a lot more drained than usual.

"Um, I need to know how you want to start the search for your wife" I said looking down. He sighed and stood up from his desk. He walked over to the sofa and gestured for me to sit next to him. I did just that and we sat in an awkward silence for a moment before he spoke up.

"What are my options?" He asked.

"So, we can arrange for you to have dinners with other nobles who are willing to marry their daughters to you, or we can hold mini selection, where you bring back the elites who are still available, and if not either of those, your parents will choose someone for you." I laid out the different options.

"What do you suggest?" He asked after thinking for a little.

"Me? Personally, I think you should bring back the elites and maybe add 2 or 3 new girls to the batch if there isn't enough. Those other nobles are just way to annoying and snobby for me to handle. And if I can't handle them? Then you have no chance at finding peace. And I doubt you want your dad choosing someone for you so personally, I think holding the selection is the best way to go." I finished my little rant and took a deep breath.

"Well, I guess thats settled then. Also I already know one person I want to be in this selection." He said getting up and walking back to his desk.

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