Chapter Five

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~ 8 months later~

America P.O.V

I sat at my desk filling out papers for the king.

It had been eight months since America Singers death. Well my death I guess you can say. I am now a girl who wears contacts to make my eyes from blue to brown. I am now a girl who doesn't speak her mind and only ever speaks when spoken to. I am now a girl who wears a black wig to cover my firey red hair. I am now the girl who was sent here from France to work as an assistant for the king of Illea. I am a twenty-year-old now known as Amelia René Sopher.

It was quite difficult to change my personality to the way it is now. I had to learn fluent French, and because stupid Clarkson said that I'm multilingual I also had to be fluent in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Urdu, Italian AND German. Talk about a tough time. I also am the translator for when any other non-English speaking royals come. I never thought being an assistant would be so hard. Oh my goodness when Clarkson introduced me to Maxon, Kriss and Amerbly it was so hard not to through my wig off and reveal to them that I'm still alive.


A few days after my "funeral" Clarkson introduced the new me to Maxon, Kriss and Amberly.

"I want to introduce my new assistant to you all. This is Amelia René Sopher. She is very quiet but will be happy to answer any questions you have for her."

"Hello," I say looking down. "Hello dear, can I get a good look at you?" Amberly askes. I look up at her as she stares at me. "You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, I don't think so your highness, this is my first time meeting you and might I say you look beautiful." I smiled at her shyly and curtsied, trying not to reveal myself.

"Why thank you,dear. You look beautiful as well." She replied smiling at me. I could tell I already got onto her good side. Next, I turned to Kriss. My smile faltered a little seeing her arm around Maxon.

" Lady Kriss, it's an honour to meet you. I'm a big fan." I curtsied and held in an eye roll. She smiled. "Nice to meet you too."

Lastly, I turned to Maxon. "Prince Maxon, I was quite excited to meet you. I must say you look more handsome in person. I look forward to working with you." I curtsied holding back my tears and forcing a smile. It was hard to speak to him face to face when he thinks I'm a different person. He smiled blushing slightly. "Thank you, and likewise."

"Also, I'm sorry about what happened to lady America, she was a hero" his smile faltered. "She always was." He said quietly. My heart hurt. This is so hard. How am I gonna do this every day? With that Clarkson said that we had to go and train me.

«End of flashback»

I sat at my desk, finally finished the stack of paperwork given to me by the king. I picked up the stack of papers and made my way to his office. I remember the first time coming here.


The tour of the third floor was over. But there was one place left to go. He took me to his office. "This is my room, under no circumstances are you allowed in here unless I tell you to." He said and I nodded. Then he Took out a whip from his cabinet. "Now then, Take off your shirt," he said. "What?" I ask confused. "Don't make me ask again" he threatened. I obediently but slowly took off my shirt, leaving me in my bra." Turn around" he ordered as he tested his whip in the air. I did as he said. Closing my eyes, I waited for the impact to come.

Nothing. There was no pain. I exhaled and just then...

I felt a burning sensation on my back. And it wasn't the good kind. He had whipped my back right when I let my guard down. The searing pain was so hard to resist. But I managed.

"This is what happens when you disobey me or do something that would almost reveal your identity." He said In an intimidating tone. "Put on your shirt and clean up this mess on your back. Tell anyone what happened and ill kill you and your family."

«End of flashback»

I walk to his room and knocked. "Come in!" Clarkson yelled loud enough for me to here. I walked in. "I'm finished these papers," I said. "Well done Amelia, leave them over there." He said not looking up. I put them where he asked and stood there nervously. He noticed that I was still here and looked up." Is there anything else?" He asked clearly annoyed. I took a deep breath and said " we need to speak, about the Maxon's upcoming coronation."


A/N OOOOOFF that was unexpected amirite. ;) anywhooo I hoped you liked this chapter. It was a bit longer than the other chapters. Tell me what you think and I didnt edit it that much so sorry about that. ;-; . I know this chapter is mostly just flashbacks and there's gonna be more next chapter. dont forget to vote.

Love you guyss <333



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