Chapter Twenty Eight

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Warning: slight use of vulgar language. Nothing too much though.

Third POV

A loud shot was fired from outside the hall. Everyone jumped and hell broke out. People were running, yelling, hiding and crying 30 seconds post fire.

However, Maxon couldn't care about that at all. The only thing that was going through his head in that moment was that Amelia was still outside.

He was having intense deja vu. The same thing had happened with America. Apart from the fight he had with Amelia, Maxon had let both of them outside and a gun was fired while they was still outside. America hadn't survived it and the same thing was about to happen to Amelia.

He pushed through the crowd and ran towards the entrance doors. Once he reached the gates, the guards pushed him back and told him to stay put. But Maxon wasn't having any of it, he pushed through the guards despite their protests and ran into the hall.

In that moment it felt as if time had stopped. There was amelia, bleeding from her arm and a gag around her mouth. She was unconscious and there was a gun to her head.

Maxon was frozen in place. The person who was holding her looked awfully familiar but Maxon couldn't pin down exactly who this man was.


The guards looked at each other for a minute before telling the other guards to stand down. The man with Amelia ran out and the doors were quickly closed.

"NO!" Maxon yelled, trying to run towards the man with amelia. But the guards had managed to hold him back. No matter how much he struggled in the guards hold he just couldn't get their arms off him.

The man with Amelia let out a maniacal laugh and hauled Amelia over his shoulder before running out the door.

"Get your hands off me! Do you know who I am!?" Maxon cried as he yanked the guards arms off him.

"Who's the chief here?" Maxon asked, his voice filled of anger. A man walked up to him "Me your highness." He said bowing.

Maxon grabbed the poor guard by the collar and pulled him close. "If anything happens to her, mark my words I won't let you get away with it. It'll be on your head." Maxon growled at the chief.

"Y-yes sir." The man uttered.

Maxon shoved him away and went outside, calling his driver to take him back to the palace so he could get his best guards to find Amelia.

"Wait Maxon!" A voice called. Maxon turned around to see Chris running towards him. Maxon rolled his eyes but stopped nonetheless.

"I want to help to find Amelia. I know you may not be very fond of me at the moment because of the amount of time I was spending with her today, but I consider her a good friend now. I have very good detectives that'll be amazing help. Please let me help find her." He pleaded

Maxon thought about it for a moment, Chris said she was a good friend and nothing more. He doesn't seem like a threat and if he is then he's going to be on my territory so I'll have the upper hand if he decided up pull a stunt.

"Alright, but if I catch you doing something fishy you're out." Maxon sighed.

"Alright, I'll call my men to your palace, sound good?" Chris asked, looking serious about saving his new friend but also slightly excited to finally encounter some action.

Maxon nodded and they left towards his car.


America POV

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