Chapter Eight

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America pov

"Oh uhm, well your high- I mean Maxon, it's kinda late right now don't ya think? Why don't we chat tomorrow?" I said looking down. I forgot to put my contacts back on and I can't let him see my blue eyes.

"But I'm really curious and have a lot of questions that I can't wait to ask so I was really hoping that we could umm chat right now but if you want to do it tomorrow that's fine," he said, disappoint evident in his features.

'UGH why god, why must you make my life so hard'
(A/N Italics are her thoughts)

"Fine, we can talk. Just give me a moment." I say still not looking at him.

"Really?! Thank you so much, Amelia!" He looked so excited.

I smiled and real quick closed the door. I hurriedly put my brown contacts back on and moved my bloody clothes into the washroom. I tried my best not to hurt my back as I did all this and to my surprise, I did pretty well. Now what to do with my hair!!! I can't keep it in the towel cause it'll fall off. Uuuuuh. I run into the washroom but leave a crack open so I can talk to Maxon as I cover my hair.

I yell that he can come in and I'm pretty sure he heard me cause I heard the door open right after.


"Don't worry I'm in the washroom. You can sit on the bed. Sorry about the mess." I said loud enough so he could hear me.

I pulled my hair into a decent bun and put the hood of my sweater over my head, making sure there was no hair seen.

I walked out and saw him sitting at the foot of my bed, looking at my cork board in awe. I had a lot of pictures on it because it's sorta a hobby I picked after seeing Maxon do it a lot. I had lots of pictures of random things like the sky, flowers, people at different events and so on. He seems to really like it.

"Do you like them? I took them my self." I said as I walked up to him on the bed. I sat in front of my pillow. He snapped out of whatever trance my pictures put him in and looked at me.

"Yes, there amazing! I don't know if you know this but I have a photo taking habit. I feel as if it's necessary to take a snap of all the good times in life." He said grinning like an idiot. I couldn't help but smile.

"Very inspiring, now let's hurry up with your questions. I don't think it's a good idea for a married prince to be walking out of a girls room late at night". I said, a bit nervous about being caught.

"Ok but before we start, why is your hair like that?" He asked looking at me like a confused child.

"Oh this, well uh my hair isn't in the best condition right now and it's kinda embarrassing to show hehe," I say cheekily. Lying as if it's normal.

"All right then" he chuckled.

"Ok let's see, how did you guys meet? Is there what were her hobbies? What was it like being her friend? Did she have a temper back then as well? What's something shes never told anyone before? How did she feel about joining the selection?" He finally breathed. His face was red from lack of oxygen and he looked like a tomato.

" You know what why dont I just start from the very beginning?" I said and he nodded. Geez, hold your royal horses.

"Ok, you want it from the beginning? Let's do it. So Mer and I used to be best of friends. I loved how she would always be so sweet to her siblings. She was such a hardworking girl for her family. Her best trait was her voice, at least that's what people said. She loved her family so much. Now she's just a memory we hold dear to in our hearts. The day of her funeral, it had hurt so much seeing her family like that, we used to play a lot with May and Gerald. It was so much fun. I really hope they're ok. Their bond with Mer was really strong." I sigh, tearing up a bit.

I quickly wipe away the tears hoping he didn't notice.

"Oh and when She found out that she was chosen to be apart of the selection, she didn't see your reaction when her name was called so she didn't know what to think about you, but we talked whenever we could and honestly, it was so easy to tell that she was in love with you. Mer would tell me about the experiences you had with each other, a few days before, Mer told me to tell you that if she ever died, she wanted you to know she loves you so much and that she wants you to live your life moving forward and not dwelling on her death. So please fulfill her last wish." I say, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

To tell the truth, i'm not lying, I'm just saying how I felt from a different point of view. I wipe my eyes again and smile."Ok, I think that's enough for today. It's getting late" I say standing up.

"Wait can I ask one more question?" He pleaded.

"Ok, shoot." I give in.

" I wanna know more about you, can we perhaps meet more often? I know you've been here for almost a year now but I haven't had the chance to speak to you properly until today." He says. I bit my lip. What am I supposed to say? I have strict rules from Clarkson NOT to talk to him.

"Well, uhm I'll have to see. But for now, you shoo otherwise we'll get into trouble." I say pushing him out the door. He chuckles and turns to stand in front of me.

"Thank you, Amelia, for taking the time to chat with me. And I hope you consider my offer" He then grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then said goodbye and left.

I stand there dumbfounded at how adorably cute that was, blushing like a mad man. I flop onto my bed ignoring the pain in my back and tried to fall asleep. Keyword tried. Eventually, I fell into a deep slumber with the tingling sensation from the kiss still on my hand.


Haaay guyssss. Sooooooo what'd you think??? Yeah, I thought this was a trash chap as well. Oh well, what can ya do? I made this chapter longer to make up for the times I didn't post so ur welcome. Thoughts, comments? Leave em in the comments below. Ok, that's all now see yall until my next chapter.

Luv u guyss<333



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