Chapter Six

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America pov

"What about it?" He asks looking back at his papers.

"What do you mean what about it. Maxon's coronation is coming up in 4 months and you're acting like it's no problem." I say, not believing this.

"Because it isn't a problem." He says annoyed.

"How is this not a problem!? I barely speak to Maxon let alone see him at all! How will I hide my identity if I'm gonna be working with him every-single-day,?!"

"Goodness your so foolish," he says clearly annoyed.

"Sit," he says and I obey.

"It's quite simple, you will act like you always do when someone other than me is around. Try not to make eye contact with him and be polite. Most importantly try not to engage in unnecessary conversation with him because your voice may easily draw suspicion. And finally, make sure you don't forget to make yourself look how you look right now. Makeup, wig, contacts, clothes everything. Easy enough yes?" He finally finishes.

"So basically I act like I always do when I'm around him or other people?" I ask.

"Precisely," he says.

"You are dismissed now, I don't have anything else for you right now so today is a free day for you. I nod and curtsy then walk out the door.


As I wandered around the castle being bored, I admire its beauty as I continue being bored. I think about all the stuff that's been happening these past eight months. I was able to become the one but my family was threatened because of it, I had to fake my death, pretend to be someone I am not, became the kings assistant and if I do anything causing my identity to be revealed then my family is gonna die. And this is all because of that damned Clarkson.

But I can't do anything about it. This angered me more than it should. Since I've done this, my family has been living wonderfully. Apparently, Maxon had bought them a house near the castle so that they can start a new life.

It warmed my heart knowing Maxon would do something like this for my family. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice whatever was in front of me and walked straight into it, falling onto my butt.

"Owww, dumb wall" I mumble. Only the thing is that the wall wasn't a wall.

"Well, this dumb wall would like to apologize for bumping into you and would like to help you up." I looked up and holy cow speak of the devil.

Maxon was bending down, holding his hand out for me to take. My eyes widen as I take it. I immediately sink into a curtsy and start rambling.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your highness I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking cause I was so lost in my thoughts and oh god I just called the future king of Ilea a dumb wall what the heck is wrong with m-"

"Pfft-hahaha" I look up to see Maxon laughing like a crazy man. He pretends to wipe a tear from his. I stand there, looking at him like a confused puppy.

"What's so funny?" I pout.

"Ms. Sopher, I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while. You've made my day. And by the way, you don't need to apologize, I was also quite lost in thought" he said, an adorable goofy smile on hi- WAIT... hold that thought... and erase.

That thought shall never enter my mind again. It took 8 months for me to get over him and I will not ruin my hard work over one smile.

"Ok then I apologize for apologizing, and please call me Amelia," I say with a smile glued onto my face.

I have only ever talked to Maxon a few times and all were by chance. I am not allowed to talk to him unless absolutely necessary. He chuckled at my words.

"Only if you call me Maxon." Shoot I gotta hurry before someone sees us.

"Very well Maxon~, I apologize but I must get going now," I say and hastily walk away to my room, not letting him say anything else.

'Oh god if Clarkson finds out that I talked to Maxon like that then ill get whipped and I really don't wanna deal with that-'

"Ugh! Watch where you're going you're dumbass!" Someone said pulling me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times only to realize that I was on the floor again and looked up to see an angry as hell Kriss.

'Why do I keep bumping into the wrong people?!'

"Oh it's you, sorry I said that I'm just in a bad mood." She said. I quickly got up and curtsied again.

"I apologize your highness I wasn't looking where I was going" all she does is smile at me. Staring at me as I rise from my cutesy.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks.

"Of course your highness" I reply with a fake smile and she doesn't seem to notice it, honestly I don't like Kriss. But I don't exactly hate her either? I don't know it's complicated.

"Do you know America Singer? I mean personally? You look quite like her"

Shoot. She on to me. There are only 3 things I can do right now.

1- laugh and lie to her face saying I have no idea what she's talking about.
2- scream NOPE and run for it.
3- confess and beg her not to tell anyone.

Well, number two is obviously not an option. So there's really only one thing I can do.


Ok so before yall come at me with your baseball bats and knives lemme just explain where the hell I was. So plz let's just discuss this in a non-violent way. Ok so get comfy cause this might be a bit long.

Ok, so I just started high school and HOLY FUQ its quite something. I have a really big school I get lost so easy like on the first day like me and my friends were like five mins late cause we didn't know where our first class was. So then after all that was settled, I made it a few weeks thinking yeah, I'm just gon breeze through this semester no issues. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG.

We got our report cards today and I'm failing math so yeah. BUT DON'T WORRY I'M NOT DEAD YET. I CAN STILL FIX THIS!

SO due to this reason mainly I'm gonna go on a temporary hiatus for this book. Yes yes, I know it's sad but I will continue writing as soon as I get back on track with my math.

Lucky for me that's the only thing I got to worry abouut. Ok, I'm done now WAIT for NO IM NOT I wanted to say thank you all for supporting this book and getting me 260 reads ahh. I love yall so much.

Btw while you're waiting why not go check out my other FINISHED book ;). It's my first book ever so like its cringe but its goodish.

love ya guysss <333




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