Chapter Fourteen

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* This is after rehearsal and on the day of the coronation. *

America pov

It 11:30 am right now. There's only about a half hour before the coronation begins. And I am FREAKING out. Why do you ask? Let's start from the very beginning if today.

I woke up at 5:30 to make sure everything for the coronation was ready. I did my basic routine and hurried to the backyard, that's where the reception will be held after Maxon has become king. Everything looked in check, the tables and decorations were already put out yesterday so we could make last-minute changes if needed.

"Ok good, everything seems perfectly fine here," I mumbled to myself.

Next, I went to the church, where the coronation will be held. As the driver drove me there, I had a strange feeling something was wrong, but I brushed it off as nervousness. I checked if everything was in place and it was. As we headed back to the castle, I checked the time and it read 8:30. What?! It took 2 hours just to check everything?! I still had to check if our security was ready and if the staff in the kitchens were done with the food. And I had to make sure everyone was in uniform and I even had to get ready myself! No time to waste.

"Pierre, I need to get to the palace within 10 minutes. So, step on it!" I yelled at the driver. The man smirked and, I must say, he really did step on it.

We reached the palace within 5 minutes and I was running through all the different halls and corridors when I finally reached the Generals office. I knocked rapidly on the door till he finally opened up.

"Hello General Ledger, are all the security cameras and guards in place?" I asked as I stared up at Aspen.

He had grown over these past months. He's taller, a bit bulkier and his voice has gotten deeper. But his eyes are still the same bright green eyes that I loved.

"Come on Amelia, you know that I hate when you call me that." He said rolling his eyes.

"Just tell me Ledger, I'm on a tight schedule right now and am only 4 minutes 36 seconds ahead. That is NOT good." I despised this fake personality I had to put on.

I wasn't a prim and proper girl who listened to others without a say. Or a girl who would be ahead of schedule.

"Yes, everything is set. I checked 6 times and made sure no one could get in once the ceremony begins." He said annoyed that I wouldn't call him by his first name. Yeah, we were on a first-name basis.

"Thanks Aspen, also say hi to Lucy and little Chris for me would ya?" I said and ran off. Chris was their 1-year-old boy. Lucy and Aspen are like my siblings. That's how close we've become over these past months.

'Although I was already pretty close with them'

"Will do!" I heard his voice yell as I made a sharp turn.

Ok, now I need to check on the food. I ran as fast as my 5'6 self in 2-inch heels could go. Once there I saw all the chefs cooking and people running around with bowls of batter.

"DELANCY!" I yelled through the crowd. Out of nowhere my dear friend Delancey popped up and gave me a big hug.

"Amelia my dear! How are things hon?" she asked in her French accent.

"Pretty good" I replied. "How are the dishes coming along? Good, I hope?" She gave me a wide grin, showing off her pearly whites.

"Ah yes, everything is running smoothly, the food should be ready before the party. And the waiters' uniforms are all set." I sighed in relief.

"Thank you Delancey, you are amazing" she flashed an award-winning grin.

"Anything for you hon, now get going its almost time!" I looked at my watch and it read 9:45. My eyes were practically bulging out of my head.

"Got to run, bye!" I yelled as I ran towards the third floor.

I needed to check up on Maxon, the man always was lazy with everything going on lately. Once at his door, I knocked, and a maid opened the door.

"Hi Breanne.... I check up on.... his highness, mind if.... I come in?" I said trying to regain control of my breathing.

"Uh would suggest against it Mel, we're in a sticky situation right now." She said giving me a tired look.

"Let me see," I said walking in through the door.

The room was an absolute disaster. Clothes everywhere, maids and butlers trying to clean it up only to find more mess in its place. This got me mad, really mad. I did not just run all over the place for a good 4 hours just to see that the soon to be king is still not ready.


He walked out of the bathroom in nothing but sweatpants. "Oh, hey Amelia, what can I do for you?" He said it so casually as if he wasn't going to be crowned king in what, 2 and a half hours?

"What. Is. The. Meaning. Of. THIS?" I glared at him.

"It's Kriss, she says that I can't wear the suit that was originally there for me to wear cause she wanted me to wear the one that she got me. When I refused, she hid my suit now we are trying to look for it."

Before he could say anything else, I marched into her room through the connecting doors, not bothering to knock.

"Kriss where is Maxon's suit," I said angrily.

"Whatever do you mean? I didn't do anything." She said all sweetly. Well, to bad for her I wasn't in the mood for sweet.

"Hand it over before I call Clarkson." I deadpan.

Immediately, she stood up and went to get the suit. Once she returned, she gave me a sour face, but I could care less. I snatched it from her and went back to Maxon's bedroom.

"Here, make sure he's ready by the time I come back. Once I'm ready we will be heading straight to the church." I said exhaustedly.

I felt like collapsing right here right now. I was up all night making sure all the invitations were RSVP'd. And there were A LOT. Right now, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep and an extra-extra-large coffee with a ton of caffeine and sugar. Breanne thanked me a ran off with the suit. I walked to my room and called for my maids, Rose, Alya and Mari. (A/N If you understand where these names are from, I love you).

They ran me a bath and pampered my skin to be glowing and smooth. Then they did my makeup and got me into my dress. It was a royal blue floor length ball gown. I have no idea why I need to wear a ball gown but I'm too tired to think about it. Once I was ready, I went to see if Maxon was ready, same with Kriss. I assumed that Maxon was ready, so I walked in without knocking.

What I laid my eyes on was very disturbing. Kriss was pinned against the wall by Maxon and they were having a heated make-out session. The hurt I was feeling was very painful, it was like my heart was shot by an arrow. Things between them were getting pretty heated, Maxon's hand started wandering towards her chest and I didn't want to see anymore so I cleared my throat. The couple jumped apart and looked like someone poured red paint all over there faces.

"I apologize for interrupting your uhm, session... but we need to go. Fix yourselves up and meet me in the car in 5 minutes tops." I said weakly and ran off before anything else could be said.

I sat in the limo and dried some escaped tears with a handkerchief and pulled myself together. Five minutes later the couple arrived, and we left for the church.


Hayaaa, so I'm gonna continue this in the next chapter cause it was getting too long. Also, this was kinda boring, so I apologize. Ok, I go now. Votes and comments are appreciated.

Luv ya guys <333



P.s. I wasn't able to get many chapters done cause of school and some personal stuff, so I'll just post whatever I've done up until now. Sorry guys :/.


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