Chapter Twenty

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America pov

I carefully walked into my office, making sure to avoid Maxon at all costs. I tiptoed my way through the halls, past his office as quietly as possible. I felt like a ninja.

'A ninja wearing an orange dress and walking like she has been trying to become a ballerina'. I giggled silently at my stupidity and my childish imagination.

I quickly went into my office and closed the door. I sighed in relief now that I was in my second safe place, the first being my room. After what happened with Maxon, I don't think I can face him again. I have been avoiding him at all costs for the past week.

Luckily Clarkson didn't figure out what happened with us and is pretty happy that I've been avoiding him after all the Interaction between us.

To ensure that I never see him, I've been sneaking around and using secret tunnels to make sure I don't run into Maxon, and whenever I see him I always act as if I didn't notice him and scurry away. Whenever I had to give him something or get something from him I always ask a maid that is passing by. We haven't had any meetings and he hasn't called me to his office anytime lately so I'm pretty relieved about that.

I turned around and came face to face with the one and only, Maxon Schreave leaning on my desk. I sighed. All that effort for nothing. I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face.

"Hello Maxon, what brings you here to my office so early in the morning?" I asked walking towards my seat.

"You've been avoiding me." He stated, getting up and stood in front of me to cut off my route to my desk. I looked up at his 6'1 figure towering over my 5'6 self.

"Whatever do you mean? I've just been busy with the whole Kriss being a southern rebel thing, I haven't had much time to dilly dally around you know? Oh also I forgot to tell you, the whole execution thing will be happening in 4 days and will be broadcasted on the Report. And afterwards, you may need to hold another selection or get married to another noble to run the country smoothly and to produce a heir." I said trying to walk around him whilst trying to change the subject. He just stepped in my way again.

"I have important matters to discuss right now, I'd appreciate it if you would come to my office." He said, giving me a hard stare. I felt squeamish under his intense gaze and quickly turned and walked to my coffee maker. I could feel his gaze following me

"As much as I would love to, I still have a ton of papers to finish up so I don't have the time at the moment. I'll look at my schedule and tell you when I'm free." I said quickly.

"It wasn't a request Amelia." He said, hard gaze still on me. I turned to face him and nodded. I can't refuse him since he is technically my boss and the king so...

We walked into his office and he closed the door. "Please have a seat." He gestured to the sofa. I complied and sat down, starting to get anxious.

He sat in front of me and just stared at me the entire time. I avoided his gaze as much as I could but when I accidentally met he s gaze, I could see the confusion in his eyes, as if he was trying to figure out something. I swallowed hard.

"Uhm, what did you need to t-talk about Maxon?" I bit my tongue for stuttering. I can't sound as if I did something wrong otherwise he'll figure it out.

"I know I didn't fall on the stairs. I didn't hit my head or anything. I remember you being on your bed unconscious with whip lashes all over your back. I cleaned it all up and waited for you to get up. Then you knocked me out and made up a fake story to get me to forget about it. Am I correct?" He said. I was about to deny it but he cut me off before I could even put a word out.

"Speak the truth, if I catch you lying then you will be facing consequences." He said sternly.

I didn't know what to do. Lie and face the consequences? Tell the truth and face even worse consequences? It'll be me losing either way. I sighed and gave in after seeing his hard gaze again and nodded.

"Yes, you are correct. I did lie about you falling and hitting your head." I said as calmly as I could manage. He nodded.

"Why did you do it?" He asked.

"I have been given strict orders not to disclose any information about it," I said staring at him blankly.

"By who?"

"Again, I cannot say."

"Whoever this person is cannot have higher authority than me."

"Yes then can". He thought for a moment before replying.

"It was my father wasn't it," he asked. I stayed quiet.

"It was." He sighed. "As of right now, I have a higher authority than him since he is retired. Now I will ask you again, why'd you do it?" I stared at him before finally giving in.

"Fine, you want to know? He, as of right now wields more power than you when it comes to me. He doesn't want me to get close to you because I'll interfere with your life. And since I have been with you a lot more often, he got mad and gave me my punishment. I am not aloud to tell you because then you'll go after him." I paused for a minute.

"Please Please Please whatever you do, DO NOT tell him you know. He will do something that will ruin my life if you do. If you tell him I will never forgive you." I begged.

He nodded. Probably still not able to comprehend what I said.

"I uh... I have to get going, I'll come over later to discuss matters for finding a new wife and the execution." I said and ran off before anything else could be said.

Now all I can do is pray that he doesn't take action against Clarkson.

I walked back into my office and got to work.

Yeooo guysss I have returnedddddd. I sorry I haven't updated in over a month my bad but school is over so I may be updating a bit more often so watch out for that.

Also, the book is soon coming to an end. Maybe like 5-10 more chapters and its done. Thank you to all the people who have stayed from the beginning I love you all. Also thanks for all support I appreciate it🙏💜.

I love you all have a great day. <333




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