Chapter Twenty Four pt.2

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It was 8:00am when my maids woke me up. We were going to officially get a chance to talk with Maxon today so he could get to know us better, although he knows me quite well.

Mari ran the bath while Alya went to choose my outfit for the day. Once finished with the bath I was led out of the bathroom and looked at the simple yet elegant dress laid out on my bed.

It was a knee length, baby blue dress with and off the shoulder style. It looked loose and comfy but still fit in all the right places to accentuate my curves. All in all, I looked great.

Then Rose came in with my wig already styled into a slightly messy, yet sophisticated ponytail and I was in love with now the final look was. I quickly put my contacts on and slipped on my shoes while Rose did light makeup on my face. When everything was done I thanked them and made my way to the dining hall.

I was glad my maids knew about my disguise cause it was hard pretending all the time. Whatever free time I had I spent with them playing cards or just talking about life. I didn't need my disguise and I was able to show my true personality. I considered the three girl's my closest friends and family.

I noticed almost all the girls were there apart from Madaline and Kristian. Lisa was sitting with Emmaline and Cristine was sitting by herself minding her own business. Lisa noticed me and waved me over.

"Hi! Amelia right? I'm Lisa and this is Emmaline." She said enthusiastically. I smiled at her and said hello back.

We all chatted and got to know each other better and I found the girls to be really nice. Then the doors opened and Kristian and Madaline walked in.

Kristian was wearing a skin tight dress in a deep shade of red. With how tight that dress was, you could practically see everything. Madaline was a bit more modest with her simple purple knee length dress. She was wearing a halter dress that slightly poofed out at the skirt. She looked stunning and it made me slightly upset.

'Will Maxon like her a lot?'

I was lost in thought but was snapped back into reality when I realized that Maxon and his parents started walking through thr doors. All the girls including myself stood up and curtsied. Once they reached the head table we all sat and commenced breakfast.

One by one, the girls all walked up to Maxon so the could start their interview. Once over, he would coose one to leave by the end of the month.

I watched as Kristian talked to Maxon, he looked pretty uncomfortable with her revealing dress but she didn't notice. Then it was Madalines turn. She walked up to him and they both bowed and curtsied to one another. They looked perfect together. This made my heart hurt a bit but I pushed it aside and turned to my breakfast.

Every now and then I glanced up at the duo to see them smiling and laughing while talking to each other. I rolled my eyes payed attention to Lisa rambling on about how good the food was.

Then soon enough it was my turn. I walked up to him and curtsied as he bowed.

"Your highness, a pleasure to make your acquaintance after two days." I say teasingly.

"The pleasure is all mine my dear," he saying back in the same teasing manner.

"What did I say about calling me your dear?" I scolded. He just laughed and brushed it off.

"So, since you already know everything there is to know about me, how were the other girls?" I asked. It wasnt a complete lie, he did in fact know most of what there is to know about me, he only doesn't know that what he knows is the personality of a fake person.

"They weren't bad, Cristine was kind of boring because she was quiet most if the time or answering with one word answers. Emmaline and Lisa were quite nice, Kristian... lets not talk much about her. And Madaline was maybe my favorite out of them, she was polite but quirky in a way. It's quite amusing." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"And now you, well what do I say, I already know practically everything about you like the back of my hand and I hope I can say that you do to. You are most certainly one of my favorites," he finished off.

"One of them? Hmm I see Maxon's already got a small crush on someone." I teased. I was a bit jealous but I had no right to be, it's not like Clarkson would let me marry him anyway.

He blushed slightly and I found it so cute.

"You cant call it a crush if you just met them. Give me some more time would you?" He said quickly while looking another direction.

"Oh would you look at that! We've spent a good 20 minutes here when it was only supposed to be ten. You should get back to your breakfast," he said and stood up before I could say anything else. I rolled my eyes playfully and stood up as well, walking back to my seat.

Once back Lisa and Emmaline started to bombard me with questions.

"Why were you there for so long?"

"What were you talking about?"

"You guys looked so cute together!"

"When is the engagement?"

"I SHIP IT!!!"

I ignored their idiocy and glanced at the other three girls. Kristian was violently stabbed her food and was looking like she was about ready to kill me, Cristine looked bored as hell and Madaline kinda just stared in my general direction blankly. I looked back at Lisa when I saw her waving her hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Amelia? Do you copy?" She asked.

"What? Sorry I wasn't listening," I replied, now giving the two my full attention.

"We said it's time to go, the king and his parents already left and told us to go to our rooms, Lady Amberly told us to head to the grand staircase for our first lesson with Sylvia. Did you not hear anything?" Emmaline said as we walked away.

"Oh my bad haha I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about something." I replied giving them an apologetic smile.

"Alright this is where we part ways, shall we meet again soon Mel and Emmy," Lisa said dramatically.

"Nicknames already?" I laughed.

"Yes! We're all friends now nicknames are a must!" She exclaimed.

"Okay then what about you?" Emma asked.

"You can call me your highness," she winked and giggled

"Li it is" Emma laughed and I high fived her.

"Ok I'll see you two soon bye!" Emma said and walked to her room along with Li.

As I started to make my way to my room a hand pulled me back. I turned around and was met with a hard slap to the face.

"What the-" but I was cut off before I could say anything else.

"You think that just cause your close to the king that you can act like you're better than us. I bet you're feeling so good about yourself right now, 'wow I talked to king Maxon for longer than anyone else haha I'm gonna win this for sure.' Well guess what bitch, I'm gonna win this and the crown will be mine, so you better not come in my way or else you will regret it for the rest of your pitiful little life. Is that understood?" Kristian said and walked away.

'What just happened?' I thought as I made my way to my room.

I walked in and leaned against the wall for a minute with my hand on my now very slightly swollen cheek. Well, looks like I just made my first enemy.

WOOH I can feel the future drama from here! Soooo Kristian is the bad bich oof lol. This was the second part I hope u guys liked it a bit more then the last. Votes and comments are appreciated. ALSO LISA I DEDICATED TO MY FRIEND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Just wanted to put that out there

Luv ya guysss<333



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