Chapter Thirteen

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America pov

"May I ask why your here?" I asked politely, trying not to be annoyed at the fact that she's here when I just want to get some work done.

"I've noticed that you and Maxon have been spending a lot of time together lately..." she said looking kind of tired.

"Yes, we were simply discussing matters for the coronation. Is there an issue?" I said walking over to my coffee machine in the corner of the room. I asked for it to be installed here so that I can work longer hours and get my much-needed caffeine quickly.

"I was wondering, could you by any chance, help me get closer to Maxon? I've noticed that you guys got along really easily, and I want to be able to have that connection with him as well. If you don't mind, I really want Maxon to show me that he loves me the way I show him my love. So please help me out?" She pleaded. I finished making my coffee and stared at her as I took a sip.

"I don't know, I already have a lot on my schedule. I can maybe try to fit it in after the coronation but for now, you're just going to have to wait. I apologize your highness." I really don't want to do this.

Although I hate to admit it, I still love Maxon. I know that I'll never be able to have him, but can't I just admire him from afar? Without feeling like a jealous 13-year-old child when they're just talking?

I absolutely hate the fact that Kriss got Maxon. And in all honesty, she sucks when it comes to paperwork, announcements, and basically everything you need to when you're queen. I don't really know what she does other than sleep, eat, and walk around the castle. All in all, she's a terrible queen. But what can you do?

"Oh, that's perfectly fine! I know you won't let me down! Thanks Amelia!!" She said cheerfully. Damn, I hate when she's all cheery. It gets annoying after hearing it for 9 months.

"Now, you mind leaving your highness? I have some work to do." I said walking to my desk, where she was sitting.

"Oh! Right sorry, I'll be going now, bye!!" She cheered as she skipped off. ARGH! Curse her cheery mood.

Now, where was I? Oh right, paperwork... I groaned looking at the pile of papers that needed to be filled out. Might as well finish quickly. And with that, I got to work.


I'm done. All the paperwork is finished. At long last! It took a good five hours, but it was worth it! I looked at my clock to see that it was 1 am.

Damn. I missed my dinner. Whatever I'll just go to the kitchen and eat something right now. I grabbed my shawl and walked out of my office, making sure to lock it. Then I made my way to the staircase.

As I tiptoed into the kitchen, I could feel the icy breeze on the exposed skin below my knees. I didn't want to stay here for long cause it was dark and scary. I opened the fridge saw dessert heaven. There were just about any sweets you could think of. But the one that stood out was the strawberry tarts. There were about six of them wrapped in plastic wrap with a little note on it.

"Thought you might be hungry, enjoy ;)".


'Larissa, I love you.'

I took the plate up to my room and changed out of everything before indulging myself with these sweets. I took a bite and moaned in delight. So good!! Once I finished, I was wide awake and didn't know what to do. So, I decided to go to the music room and practice for the performance. Maxon had given me the key to it so that I could practice.

I covered my hair and put my contacts on. I decided against makeup was too lazy and I doubt anyone was going to be there at this time. I quickly scurried across the hallway and into the music room. I looked at the variety of instruments in awe. There were clarinets, flutes, trumpets, guitars, harps, drums, and just about any instruments you can think of. But most importantly, there was a grand piano in the middle of it all, and it was calling out to me.

I ran my fingers over the keys once I sat down. It had been so long since I've played the piano but there was one song I would always remember, Fur Elise by Beethoven. It was one of my favourites. I started playing the song, humming along with the music. It was only my music and me. Nothing else, no dying, no fake identity, no Maxon, no nothing.

Once I finished, I heard clapping and snapped my head to where the sound was coming from. And guess who it was.


A/n hay guys it's me so how u like this chapter? Nah I'm just kidding its not done keep going hehe;)))

Maxon POV

I looked up from my paperwork to see it was 1:30 am. I sigh and got up. I better go to sleep. As I walked towards my room, I heard music. Where's that coming from? I followed the sound which leads to the music room.

I walked in and saw Amelia playing the grand piano. It sounded amazing. She didn't notice that I was there, so I just watched her with admiration. I clapped as soon as she was done, and her head snapped to me.

"Wow Amelia that was amazing! I didn't know you could play that good! I'm so happy I asked you to perform!" I exclaimed. She looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks," she said sweetly. It sounded so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"You know, the first time I let America in here, she played the same song. Just as beautiful as how you played it." I said sadly.

"You want to hear a song on the guitar?" She asked looking down. I smiled at how cute she looked. Yes, I admit it, I like Amelia, but America will always be my number 1.

"Sure," I said, and she brought the guitar back to where we were sitting.

She started playing "life of the party" by Shawn Mendes. Her voice was so soothing. I couldn't help but watch as her brown hair covered her hazel eyes. The way her lips quirked into an adorable little smile. The light spray of freckles on her nose and cheeks, it was all too familiar. It's at the tip of my tongue.

Either way, I want to capture this moment forever. Once she finished, she looked up at me. We stared at each other's eyes. But I noticed something weird. It was as if she was wearing contacts. Her eyes widened when she realized we both were both leaning towards each other. I realized as well and we both pulled back immediately. I was blushing hard and so was she.

"I should get going now, it's late and tomorrow is the rehearsal." She said calmly. How is she so calm?!

She was a tomato like 0.02 seconds ago!! I took a deep breath and nodded. I walked her to her room and waved goodbye. As I walked to my room, I couldn't help but think she was a lot and I mean a lot like America. Their voice, smile, freckles and way of playing instruments was way too similar. My eyes widened. What if, she was actually America in a disguise with a wig and contacts on so we couldn't tell it was her. And my dad had forced her into this because he hated the fact that we were going to get married!?

'Man, my imagination is going wild!' I laughed at my stupid idea and walked into my room. I really must be tired to think things like that. I quickly changed into comfy clothes and went to sleep.


OOF PLES DONT KILL ME XD!!! This chapter is long, hehe ur welcome. Ok, I'm gonna go now. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and votes are appreciated as well 😊.

Luv ya guysss <333




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