Chapter Sixteen

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America pov

I woke up with a bright smile. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining- or at least I wish that's how I woke up. I was stuck inside the royal safe room cause the stupid southern rebels decided to attack at 4 IN THE FREAKING MORNING!!! All the people who were here for the ceremony had left already after last night so that was good. Only the royal family, myself and a few maids and butlers were in the royal safe room. I was forced to stay awake until 2 am to ensure everyone left safely, and these people would not leave. There were people who insisted on staying longer than the original timing.

I had to practically kick them out! And let me tell you how good it felt to do that. I don't like royalty anymore. I hate how spoiled and bratty they are. Not only the princes and princesses but even the kings and queens! There was only one person who was pretty decent, her name was princess Daphne from France, I think. We both bumped into each other and I ended up on the floor.

Instead of yelling at me like the others, she helped me up and asked if I was okay. Then we caught Kriss prancing around like an idiot and both rolled our eyes. We caught each other doing the same thing and that's how our wonderful friendship began.

Anyway, I struggled to keep my eyes open cause I was running on 2 hours of sleep and that wasn't fun. All the cots were taken cause there were only 4, which the dumb royals were using. So right now, I'm sitting on the floor in a nightgown with my wig on messily and my contacts that I somehow managed to get on in the process. By the way, my nightgown was REALLY thin, like see-through thin, and I didn't have anything to cover myself with. Thankfully though I had my undergarments on, otherwise I'd be in a sticky situation.

As I sat on the floor, contemplating my existence, I didn't notice Maxon had walked up to me. I would've covered myself cause he had a perfect view of my cleavage from up there, but I was too tired to move. The second he looked down at me, he instantly blushed and looked away.

"Do you need anything?" I asked. "No, I just wanted to see how you were doing". I sighed and sat up straighter.

"Oh, don't worry about me, I'm just shivering my butt off and struggling to stay awake. Just dandy" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

Just then I felt him wrap his jacket around me and I instantly snuggled into it, hoping to get warmer. He sat down beside me and I just realized that he was still not changed.

"How come you're still in these clothes?" I asked him. "I had some leftover work to finish cause I was putting it off for a little while. It's hard doing everything yourself with one other person, especially when that other person doesn't do anything." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Are you finished?". He shook his head. I could practically feel the exhaustion radiating off of him.

"Put whatever is left on my desk when we're out. I'll finish it by the end of today." I said simply. His eyes widened a bit and he shook his head.

"No no, it's ok. You don't have to." He said quickly. "We're in this together, I'm your assistant now remember?" I nudged his shoulder and smiled a bit. He smiled back.

The door opened and a guard came in and gave us the rundown of what happened. Apparently, fifteen guards were injured - eight of which were worse than the others, - and thankfully, none died. I went up to my room and looked at the mess. Everything was turned over and wreaked. On the wall, it said "WE'RE COMING FOR YOU" in red.

I was horrified, my hands visibly shaking, and I unintentionally let out a loud scream. Maxon, Clarkson and 2 guards ran into the room.

"What happened Amelia? We heard a- oh dear..." Maxon's eyes widened at the little note the dear rebels left for me. "Come with me Amelia, let's find you somewhere else to stay for the night." He said, tugging me by the arm out of that monstrosity called my room.

He said something to Clarkson in a voice low enough so that I couldn't hear, and Clarkson nodded in response. Maxon ushered me into another room on the third floor, but before we went inside, I pulled my arm back and my eyes widened when I didn't feel my songbird necklace on my neck.

'Where is it!?' I replayed the moments of today in my head. 'My vanity! It has to be there'.

"I-I... my necklace, I need to go look for it. It's really important. I can't lose it." I said as I turned to run away.

But before I could get anywhere, a hand shot out and grabbed my arm. I tried to wriggle free, but his grip was to tight. "Please... let me go find it" I wailed.

I was an emotional, sleep deprived wreak right now. My necklace was the only thing that brought me comfort in this wretched world. Now that only thing was gone.

"Amelia listen to me, I'll search for it myself and give it back to you, ok? But I need you to get some rest. You've had a long morning so far and only a few hours of sleep. I want you to go sleep in for a bit, I'll come to wake you up soon. All right? I promise I'll find it" he said, firmly holding my shoulders.

I couldn't do anything but nod and just hope at this point. I could really feel the tiredness getting to me now that the adrenaline rush is gone. I felt my body give out and slump against him. Two arms picked me up and placed me onto the bed. I snuggled against the cool blankets. I felt a hand run over my cheek.

"Good night- er morning? I don't know, just... sleep well. Sweet dreams... partner." He said.

"You too...partner". And with that, I was out like a candle.


Awee this such a cute ending. Idk what to say here so... like, comment ur thoughts. Enjoy, don't smite me tho I wanna live. Also, votes are always welcome :). Sorry, this chap was kind of short :(.

Luv ya guysss <333




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