Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 24: Hiraku vs Megalo!

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Elsewhere at the Yuusha Tower, Hiraku and Junji had finally encountered one another. It's been a few months since their last fight, but this time there is more at stake...the freedom and life of the Tatsumoto Family.

Junji was led down on a tree trunk of a Sakura tree in the garden. He was waiting for a good chance to take out Hiraku, but it seems that he was already spotted. 

"I see you've come to greet me personally, Junji," revealed Hiraku while he looked up at the tree where he was lying.

"Your observations are on point like usual, Hiraku." praised Junji as he jumped down from the tree.

"I take it all the commotion outside is your doing?" questioned Hiraku.

"I can sense some other party that I don't recognise. So to answer that question, no, I have not caused this commotion," replied Junji.

"I see..."

"Did you know that this Sakura Tree was left behind by my ancestors?" Junji asked.

"Of course I do. Your stupid ancestor planted the seeds just before the death of that Hiromitsu," answered Hiraku.

"If it's stupid, then why haven't you cut it down?" queried Junji.

"To serve as a reminder to end the Tatsumoto Clan," smirked Hiraku. 

Both Hiraku and Junji shuffled forward and were about to attack one another, but they were rudely interrupted by Megalo. He jumped in the middle of their near clash and caught both of their swords in each of his hands.

"What?" exclaimed Junji.

"Who are you?!" demanded Hiraku.

"Your worst nightmare!" grinned Megalo.

He shoved their blades away and aimed each of his palms at Hiraku and Junji.

"Razor Pump!" chanted Megalo.

Ridged like water shot out the palms of Megalo's hands and knocked them both back. It came at some speed that they couldn't react in time to the power. Junji crashed into the brick wall of Tower's gate, but Hiraku was able to get onto his feet before he could land into something. 

"Good resilience! As expected from the Head of the Yuusha Country." honoured Megalo. 

"Shouldn't you be focusing your attention elsewhere, demon?" Hiraku pointed out.

Megalo quickly turned around and noticed a Light Clone of Hiraku. The clone slammed down his sword near Megalo, but he was to dodge easily. Megalo drew his sword and took out the clone instantly. The blade that Megalo was using looked rough and was very ridged. It was almost as if the blade had been shaped to look like sharp teeth.

"Sending someone else to do your dirty work? Typical human." jested Megalo.

"State your purpose, demon!" demanded Hiraku.

"My intention right now is to kill you off, you murderer!" yelled Megalo.

Letting his emotions get the best of him, Megalo charged in and went in for the kill on Hiraku, however, this was his first mistake. Hiraku was able to knock Megalo's sword out of his hand by using the flat end of the blade to hit his wrist. Since he used some incredible force, the sword naturally fell out of his hand. 

Using that opportunity, Hiraku pulled his sword blade back and used a move called, 'Excalibur: A Heroes Jab', and pierced the side of Megalo's stomach. The strike landed deep and caused Megalo to bleed quite a bit.

Despite that, Megalo still had a murderous intent in his eye. He clasped onto the blade and forcibly removed it from the side of his stomach. After he did that, he went to punch Hiraku in the face. Hiraku was able to move out of the way, but somehow Megalo was still able to graze his cheek.

"He's got scales?!" thought Hiraku.

Hiraku switch his sword to his other hand and tried to swing once more at Megalo. However, Megalo was able to disarm Hiraku by kicking his wrist. Within the same motion, Megalo tucked his fingers and struck Hiraku in the middle of his stomach.

"Water Dragons Claw!" called Megalo.


This move caused water to spiral around the hand and arm of Megalo. Due to the pressures that were being created in the move, it sent Hiraku back and crashed into the brick wall of the Tower's gate.

Megalo picked up his sword and walked over to Hiraku while he was still down. He lifted it above his head and was about to swing down until someone stepped in.


"It's time for me to step up to the plate, huh, Father," stated Yuuto as he was fending off Megalo.

"Yuuto!" gasped Hiraku.

"If I win this fight, then you must leave Suzuki and the Tatsumoto Family alone from now on. Is that a deal, Father?" winked Yuuto.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! We have finally hit 1000 views! Thank you ever so much for helping me reach this milestone! Please continue to support the series!

Authors Comment: I am currently catching up with the Mashle manga. It's really good and gives me vibes of One Punch Man and Gintama. I would highly recommend this manga along with a newbie called Hunters Guild: Red Hood!

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