Hashazoku Secrets Arc Chapter 9: Suzuki has Fallen? The Fujimura Clan's Counter!

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All the members looked on in horror as they saw Suzuki being down and out of the fight.

"Suzuki! You said you weren't going to lose again. What are you doing?" Hebi yelled.

"He needs serious attention quick. Can you heal him, Anna?" asked Miyu.

When Miyu looked over at Anna, she could see the rage following in her eyes as she saw the battered Suzuki. She looked at everyone's faces and saw that none of them would listen to her reasonings.

"You'll pay for that, you monster! Light Arrows: Arrow Lock: Millions of Arrows." chanted Hikari.

She locked onto Secret Agent No.5 and fiercely shot her arrows towards him. He crossed his arms and brushed the arrows off like they were nothing. Hebi tries his hand in a long-range attack, but Secret Agent No.5 grabs his Snake Whips and drags him. Hebi tries to stay on his feet, however, the absurd strength coming from Secret Agent No.5 was no match for him.

"Keiichineko Style: Tigre Moon Scatter Slash." called Keiichineko.

"Enrage Beast: Electrical Blitz." barked Shinki.

"Two powerhouses at once, huh. Give this one a try, Majustu: Air Cannon." smirked Secret Agent No.5.

He let go of Hebi's Snake Whips and blasted both Keiichineko and Shinki away with ease. They both were able to stay on their feet, but that resulted in nothing.

They Speedstar over towards him to attack him once more, except Secret Agent No.5 was able to dodge. He charged up his Exploding Sole and kicked Keiichineko in the stomach. This left a burn mark on his skin and resulted in him being knocked back further. He activated his Primal power and punched Shinki in the face.

"How is he doing this?" questioned Shinki.

"He's using that time power flawlessly. Not even our Oni-Sense and Demonia can stop it." responded Keiichineko.

"Dammit!" cursed Shinki.

Hikari steps in once more and fires off more Light Arrows, but he is still unaffected by her arrows. He flashes in front of Hikari and elbows her in the stomach. The power was too much for Hikari to handle that it knocked her out straight away and looked like she has no more intention to get up.

"Hikari!" shouted Hebi.

"We're dropping like flies, and it seems like that is not going to stop. Can you get up, Shinki?" questioned Keiichineko.

"Of course!" agreed Shinki.

"As expected by the two strongest in this weak clan. It seems that you guys need more pain, Time Breeder: Tick Tock." jested Secret Agent No.5.

A clock like image appeared on both Keiichineko's and Shinki's and started dispersing red like lightning. Curious as to why this was happening, they both decided not to go any further as there could be a space requirement to the power.

"You're wrong." teased Secret Agent No.5.

He clicked his fingers and the hands on the clock being to move. They both tried to make their way to him to stop the power but it was already too late. The power began to drain their energy and slowed them down.

"Hahaha! Majutsu: Chaos Claw Grab!" laughed Secret Agent No.5. 

His hand turned a purple, pink and white colour to represent the change in his power. He grabbed both of them by their faces and slammed them down to the ground. Both Keiichineko and Shinki spewed blood as they were slammed to the floor. To make sure that they stay down, he slams his fists down in their stomachs.

Using his focus on Keiichineko and Shinki to her advantage, Anna unleashes her Heal Blades and goes in for the kill on Secret Agent No.5. He already sensed that Anna was behind him, so he dealt with her easily. He coated his arm in his Primal power and broke her blade into small pieces.

"My blades?!" thought Anna.

He turned around quickly and used his 'Majutsu: Chaos Fist Strike' on Anna. She quickly activated her Heal Skin, but the force of his strike was too powerful for her to handle. 

As he has now dealt with Anna, he makes his way towards Suzuki, but there is still one person that stands in his way.

"I won't allow you to take him away!" declared Miyu.

Miyu swipes her sword in front of her and lets the frost brush off her blade. She takes one step forward and swings her blade towards Secret Agent No.5.

"Yuki-Onna: Frosted Frenzy!" shot Miyu.

Secret Agent No.5 defended against this powerful attack and ran towards her. Miyu went on the defensive and was able to move out of the way of his punches. However, Secret Agent No.5 was able to land a hit and broke her blade. 

The Yuki-Onna power dispersed from her body as the blade shattered into small pieces. To finish her off, Secret Agent No.5 uses his Chaos Fist Strike in her stomach and watch her fall to the ground.

He leaves her be and turns his attention to the fallen Suzuki...

"I'm going to drain you for all your worth, brat." grinned Secret Agent No.5 evilly.

Just as Secret Agent No.5 picked up Suzuki, eight spider-like bones pierced right through his body. The spider-like bones retracted out of Secret Agent No.5's body and cut under his left eye. This resulted in him falling to the ground. Suzuki landed on his feet and said:

"I've finally taken over. Time to take advantage!"

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment and a vote. Make sure to share this story too as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!

Authors Comment: We are a few chapters away from the end of this arc! I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have been writing it. The next arc in the series is a big one and is crucial to the story. I can't wait to show you the results!

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