Attack on Cat Palace Arc Chapter 4: Escape to the Human Realm!

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Now that Hitsora has revealed his Cursed Blade, Gemello, he begins to become more serious. He grabs the middle of the chain and starts swinging his blades around. Without hesitation, Hebi launches his Snake Whips towards Hitsora but that was his first mistake. With ease, Hitsora dodges Hebi's attack and ends up in between his arms. He Speedstars himself straight past Hebi while calling out a move called 'Gemello: Bull Thrust!'. All of a sudden, blood poured out of Hebi's chest.

"Hebi!", yelled both Suzuki and Keiichineko.

"That's one weakling out of the way.", smirked Hitsora.

Hebi fell to the ground and let the blood trickle away from his body. Hitsora then Speedstar'd in between Keiichineko and Suzuki and started spinning his blade again. Keiichineko quickly moved in to stop Hitsora from being able to swing freely. He launched off one of his 'Cat Dash Slash' and two cat likes figures flew off his blade. This caused some damage to Hitsora but it wasn't enough to take him down. He flicked the chain behind him and started swing the blades at the side of him, he started flapping his wings and flew towards Keiichineko and brought the blades in front of him. He yelled 'Gemello: Blade Propeller!' as he was in front of Keiichineko. Keiichineko used his 'Two Point Slash' to slow down the swinging blades but before he knew it, Hitsora was behind him. The two swinging blades pierced the back of Keiichineko and now caused him to fall to the floor only leaving Suzuki left.

"Keiichineko! Hebi!", fretted Suzuki.

"You shouldn't be worrying about them as you're next.", threatened Hitsora.

"Why are you doing this?! Why are you harming your own family?!", raged Suzuki.

"Why? Hahahahaha! Because I am sick and tired of this stupid thing called 'peace' that this family is trying to force upon the Neko Realm. I believe there should be terror roaring across this land to force the weak to be strong! If we carry on with peace, we will only grow weak and one day we will not be strong enough to handle it! So I am taking the steps now to make sure that doesn't happen!", revealed Hitsora.

"How horrible! Like I'd ever let you do something as sick as that!", barked Suzuki.

"Come and try it.", provoked Hitsora.

"I shouldn't go into my Demon Rise 5% here. Even though I have been training to bring the percentage of my Demon Form up, I still haven't got full control of the Demon Rise yet, so I'll use my normal Rise! 95%!", thought Suzuki.

As he said that, he entered his Rise Temporary Demon Form. The reason it is 95% and not 100% is because he has given up 5% of his normal Rise power to trying to master his True Demon Form. Once he accomplishes his True Demon Form, the Rise stability power will leave his body, then he can tackle using the Honemaru form. Now that he has entered that form, Suzuki uses a Speedstar towards Hitsora and swings his blade towards his abdomen but Hitsora read this and also swung his swords, however Suzuki jumped up and used a Skywalk to float on the air and dodge his blades. Suzuki advances as high as he can in the air so he is not in reach of Hitsora's blade but that was Suzuki's first mistake. Hitsora fiercely swings his blade above his head and then throws it towards Suzuki will chanted 'Gemello: Choppers Slash!', with it coming at some speed, Suzuki was not able to deflect or dodge the attack. The attack constantly slash Suzuki's chest causing a massive amount of blood to flow from the wound. Suzuki fell from a massive height but Hitsora wouldn't allow Suzuki to get off with such a lite injury. He commanded his blade to return to him and Speedstar'd to the falling Suzuki. He used his 'Gemello: Bull Thrust' multiple times and then calling the attack 'Gemello: Bull Rush!'. Cuts grew deeper and a flow of red blood dropped more intensely. Suzuki fell to the ground and then Hitsora slammed his foot on the open cut upon his chest. He makes his blades into a scissor shape and slams the swords on the ground near his neck.

"So this is all you have, huh.", mocked Hitsora.

"Wha....what the hell is power?", stuttered Suzuki.

"Something you will never obtain! I thought you was going to stop me?! But look at you now! You fell for my attack and paid the price. Goodbye Head of the Fujimura Clan, Suzuki Fujimura.", said Hitsora coldly.

Just as he was able to bring both of his blades closer to Suzuki's neck, an arrow shaped light flew past Hitsora's face. When he looked around, he noticed that Keiichineko and Hebi have been moved as well. He then looked to the side and saw Hikari and the others standing at the side of them.

"What are you guys doing here?! Take the other two and run! He's on a different level!", panicked Suzuki as he knows he can't do anything if Hitsora attacks.

"Brother! What are you doing!", fumed Hikari.

"Hikari. Get the hell out of my sight!", chided Hitsora as she swung his blade towards her.

Just as the blade approached her, Shinki launched one of his 'Enraged Beasts: Cerberus' to counter the flying blade. Suzuki summoned every last ounce of strength he had left and pushed Hitsora off him. Kiyoshi lobbed a Warp portal to Suzuki and told him to enter the portal. Agreeing with what he said, Suzuki opened the portal and escaped the Human Realm. The others followed suite with Anna using their Warp Portal.

It is sad to see but, the Fujimura Clan and Neko Royal Family have lost control of the Cat Palace.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! Hitsora was able to push the Fujimura Clan and the Neko Royal Family away and he was able to cause major injury to them! What will happen now?! Find out next time!

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