Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 6: The Unknow Past! Yuuto's Secret!

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"Yuuto?! What are you doing here?" questioned Suzuki.

"Why is he here?" wondered Anna.

"I'm sorry for all the deceiving, well I guess the same could be said for you too." started Yuuto.

Suzuki was stuck in a frozen state. He could not comprehend that Yuuto was standing right in front of him. His best friend, who put up with him for all this time, seemed to be on the enemies side. This process just could not be computed.

"Don't get me wrong, Suzuki. I am not here to fight or stop you. I have come here to reveal the truth," told Yuuto.

"The truth?" gasped Suzuki.

"Let me start from the very beginning." 

We now go five years back to the past. This was a time where Suzuki was still drowning in his own negative emotions. A time where Yuuto's eyes began to widen...

"Listen up, everyone! We have a new member joining our class today. Please allow me to introduce you to Yuuto Watanabe." the classroom teacher introduced.

"Hello, my name is Yuuto Watanabe. It is a pleasure to meet you all." smiled Yuuto.

Chitter chatter went around the classroom. The girls thought that he looked nice and proper, and the boys respected the aura that he seemed to be given off. However, there was one kid that took no notice to Yuuto and that was Suzuki.

Suzuki had his arms crossed on the table, and his head laid on top of them.

"Fujimura! Raise your head this instant!" called the teacher.

Suzuki just ignored the request of the teacher and continued to do things his way. Finding some interest in this rebellious boy, Yuuto went towards Suzuki and tapped him on the shoulder. He lifted his head and dribble was drooling out his mouth. Despite that, there was one thing that became clear when Suzuki raised his head.

"This guy is a demon!" thought Yuuto.

"Can I help you?" asked Suzuki.

"Your face tells me that you are suffering from something," revealed Yuuto.

The whole class stood up in amazement. This was the first time that someone tried to communicate and point something out about Suzuki.

"Tell me, what is the matter?" questioned Yuuto.

"It's nothing that the teachers can handle, nothing that anyone in this class can handle, and it's nothing that my family can handle! What makes you think that you can come in here and solve it?" barked Suzuki.


"If you get that much, then I suggest that you leave me alone as the rest of these guys do!"  Suzuki chasisted.

Listening to Suzuki's request, Yuuto left him alone and went to the empty seat that the teacher gave him. While walking towards his seat, Yuuto thought to himself, "I need to report this to Dad. I can't believe that they've allowed a Demon to infiltrate the school. With that attitude of his, he could kill them all."

Later that day, Yuuto began to track Suzuki and monitor all of his movements. He wanted to make sure that Suzuki didn't get to do anything that would put the school in harm's way. Just as he was about to carry on trailing him, some of the people in the class stopped him from carrying on.

"Hey Watanabe, leave that Fujimura alone. He's just a weird kid that no one has the time of day for." informed a girl.

"That's right! He always seems to be down in the dumps. We've tried to help him, but he always pushes us away." a boy chipped in.

"He even arrives here later after lunch. For some reason, he always returns with cuts and bruises too. I think he's a delinquent." another girl pointed out.

"Cuts and bruises?!" inquired Yuuto.

After hearing that, some dots began to click in Yuuto's mind. To confirm if this was the case or not, he concentrated his energy to sense all beings that were around him in a certain radius. He could sense a few Zolvak's behind the school along with what seemed to be another demon. Yuuto then could tell that it was Suzuki, and it was him that seemed to be protecting the school.

"He's not as bad as you guys make him out to be. In fact, I don't think you'll ever understand what he does." defended Yuuto.

The others were shocked by Yuuto's defence of Suzuki as no one has ever done that before. This, once again, sent admiration to all the other classmates and made them thought that he was cool.

It was after that Yuuto dropped the idea of reporting Suzuki to his father and tried to befriend him.

Now, back to the present...

"You knew all along?" questioned Suzuki.

"Yes, I am sorry for not revealing this to you all this time." Yuuto apologized.

"Wait! Why didn't you say that you left the Demon World after the incident with Shinra and that Sanju boy?" Anna chimed in.

"I did, but I sometimes chased Zolvak's away from the school and got myself beaten up because of it. However, it did seem to end after Yuuto came to my school," stated Suzuki.

"It was because I got my dad to get someone to look after Watarano when I came," explained Yuuto.

"Your dad? Wait, is that..." exclaimed Suzuki.

"Yes, the Head of the Yuusha Country, Hiraku Watanabe, is my father." declared Yuuto.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment and a vote. Make sure to share this story too, as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!

Authors Comment: I am now back from my break! I left last week feeling confident, and I hope my hard work will pay off. I will reveal that all soon!

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