Keiichineko's Past Arc Chapter 8: Captain Takuma is Slayed!

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Takuma forcefully removed the chains that were impaled in Keiichineko's body so he could let Keiichineko bleed out. Keiichineko's body flopped to the floor and had no intentions of getting back up.

"Don't give up! Keiichineko! You are the Nekogami Light! You need to survive and rid this world of the unnecessary shadows! Don't give uppppp!!", called a mystic voice.

Those words flowed into Keiichineko's mind and gave him the energy and encouragement he needed. The White Demon Energy splurged out once more causing a thick tension around the room. Takuma couldn't believe that his move didn't finish off Keiichineko.

"B...but how?! I thought my chains pierced your vitals?!", fretted Takuma.

"I won't keel over until I've killed you....TAKUMA!!!!!", yelled Keiichineko.

Without him realising, Keiichineko unleashed 'Demon Arts: Demonic Roar' and pushed Takuma back. He stomps his right foot on the floor and breaks the ground. He tilts his body forward and clasps the handle of his sleeping sword by his waist.

He looks up and chants, "Keiichineko Style: Light Yin Jolt!!".

With a blink of the naked eye, Keiichineko flashed past Takuma, closing his live blade back in its sheathe. Keiichineko struck the whole of his abdomen which caused a massive cut to appear all around that area. Blood dripped and sprayed everywhere meaning the end of Takuma.

"Dammit! I was close! So close to eradicating that twisted place! But in the end, I was done in by a cat just like I was years ago. I wonder if they are related? I curse that family and with their Overlord's Demonia!", thought Takuma as he fell to the floor.

Keiichineko reverted back to his normal form and fell to the floor due to the excessive amount of power he just used. He tried to reach his hand out so he can feel Lianna's hand one last time but he was too far away to reach it. He didn't have the strength to move closer to her but he tried his hardest to get there.

"I....I'm so sorry, Lianna. That I couldn't protect you. That in the end I couldn't keep you safe by my side. I promise you that I will live on and protect your precious little sister for the rest of my life. I love you....Lianna.", wept Keiichineko as the realisation hit him more.

Keiichineko closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Kantaro came rushing back in as he couldn't feel the presences of Keiichineko anymore. He opens up his portal while carrying an upset and weakened Anna on his back, holding an half alive Keiichineko in one arm and an injured Kokan in the other.

"For now, I will take you to my home.", said Kantaro as he walked into the portal.

And so, the mission to stop Takuma Yomaura ended successfully but it a heavy cost. 

A week had passed since the defeat to Takuma and Keiichineko was somewhat feeling better. He was asleep for at least three out of the seven days due to the injuries he sustained from the fight. His mental state was still not right due to what he witnessed and the same goes for Anna. They looked dead on the inside, like they had no motive to carry on living.

 Even though Keiichineko promised he'd look after Anna for the rest of his life, he still feels like rubbish since he couldn't protect her. For the past four days, Keiichineko sat out on the wooden floors staring out to the star filled sky. He didn't know what to do anymore that he has lost Lianna but the only thing he could think of was to try and clear his mind of the sad thoughts he was thinking.

"Keiichineko, you need to get some rest. I know that you was asleep for the past three days but you've now not slept for four. Get some rest.", pleaded Kantaro.

"I don't feel tired. I just want to see out the day.", deadpanned Keiichineko.

"Life will get better, Keiichineko.", said Kantaro trying to cheer him up.

Keiichineko sat there in silence not willing to give Kantaro a response.

"Listen Keiichineko, around two years ago, I lost my wife called Rei. We were both top Onmyouji's and felt like we could take on the world. We have three wonderful children and we were loving life until the day where she was took out by a demon called Leviathan.", began Kantaro.

"The Demon of Envy!", exclaimed Keiichineko.

"Yes. Not going into too much detail, she was brutally murdered by him to the point she was not recognisable. I was there but was not strong enough to save her and it made me feel useless and unworthy of life. It took me a long time to overcome her death but I did. I remembered that there is still people out there that need me to carry on for them. Pain is only temporary, Keiichineko. Don't let it bring you down. Lianna wouldn't want to see you like this.", encouraged Kantaro.

Once Kantaro gave Keiichineko his speech, his view in his mind began to change. He remembers all the people who still need him in his life and starts to break down into tears.

"I will live! I will live for them!!!", cried Keiichineko.

"I'm glad about that, Keiichineko.", smiled Kantaro.

And so, Keiichineko began to have more of a positive outlook on life.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! Keiichineko now starts to feel more positive about life and want to live for the others!! How will he take his first steps into life without Lianna?! Find out next time!!!!!

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