Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 16: The Wilted Petal!

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All the people that just got revived by Hiromitsu got up and ran away. They were screaming, "I knew they couldn't be trusted!" or "Demons should have never existed! Look at all the trouble they cause!".

The fact that everything that Hiromitsu and Kenzou worked for was about to crumble made them angry. To make it all worse, it was by the hands of someone that seemed to be lurking in the dark all this time...Einosuke.

"What's with the glare, my Lord?" smirked Einosuke.

"I knew you were up to something the day I laid eyes on you. Waltzing around with the biggest grin on your face, showing everyone that you are on the good side as you possess the power of Yggdrasil. I could see through all the lies." shot Hiromitsu.

"That hurts to hear, my Lord. However, you don't know my past. You don't know why I am like this. So, stop putting your nose in."

"What do you mean?" challenged Hiromitsu.

"Have you ever stopped and thought for a second that there might be someone out there that hate humans just as much as they hate us? We were just following your orders as they were absolute. However, I want to tap into the other demons hatred and use it to make my own army. An army to create tyranny!" explained Einosuke.

"That's absurd! Like I would let that happen! Cherry Blossom: Sakura Storm!" called Hiromitsu.

Hiromitsu pointed his sword towards Einosuke and a massive amount of cherry blossom petals went raging towards Einosuke. Einosuke easily defended this by using his Yggdrasil power to develop a tree trunk and use it as a shield. 

Not wasting any more time, Hiromitsu jumped up above him and used his 'Cherry Blossom: Sakura Ame' move to attack him from above. However, his Enhanced Visions of an Overlord kicked in, and Hiromitsu detected that Einosuke was going to fire a sharp-looking root power towards him. To defend against this, Hiromitsu put up a 'Cherry Blossom: Sakura Wall' to protect himself from it.

"Do you think I am stupid?" jested Einosuke.

Hiromitsu's Enhanced Visions of an Overlord kicked in once more, and he noticed that there was more of this root-like power coming from behind. He quickly puts up another Sakura Wall and Speedstar'd out of the way.

"Did you forget that I possess that power too, my Lord?" questioned Einosuke as he opened his eyes and revealed that his pupils were in the shape of a star.

"Dammit! This will turn into a battle of Enhanced Visions. I need to put an end to this quickly!" thought Hiromitsu.

Hiromitsu landed on the closest wall and pushed himself off it while using Flashstar. He activated a move called 'Cherry Blossoms: Sakura Arrow!', which makes his blade more sharp and refined while he spins around. The cherry blossom petals surrounded Hiromitsu's body, and all you could see is the tip of Hiromitsu's blade.

"You're too naive, my Lord. Yggdrasil: Trunk Hammer!" smirked Einosuke.

Einosuke's arm turned into a thick and hard tree trunk, which then took shape of a hammer. Just as Hiromitsu reached him, Einosuke swung his trunk hammer.


This caused a massive surge in demon energy when they both collided with one another. Not one of them was strong enough to get an upper hand on one another, so their powers cancelled out one another.

"You need to think further, my Lord or everything you want to gain will slip through the cracks," told Einosuke.

Just as Einosuke said that Hiromitsu activated his Enhanced Visions of an Overlord, and saw nothing but a hazy future.

"So this is it, huh? Not even the strongest can survive against something sneaky."

The reasoning behind the hazy would become very clear in an instant for Hiromitsu. Einosuke's roots went straight past him and went for someone who was coming around the corner. That, someone, was Kenzou...

"Hiromistu!!!" cried Kenzou.

Hiromitsu flashstar'd in front of Kenzou and let the roots embed themselves into his body.

"He's sapping my life force, huh. No wonder I couldn't see any future." smiled Hiromitsu.

"Why would you do that?!" asked Kenzou.

"Don't worry about me, Kenzou. You are the last remaining hope for us to cross the bridge of co-existence. Push your ideals down to the future generations. They will be the ones that will make the true change."


"I already made a book about Einosuke's actions. It just needs to be found by someone willing to make a change."


"I leave the future up to you...Kenzou Watanabe," muttered Hiromitsu as he took his last breath...

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! We have finally hit 1000 views! Thank you ever so much for helping me reach this milestone! Please continue to support the series!

Authors Comment: There will be an announcement regarding the next 6 months of Wattpad. I will explain what's going on with Mysterious Ways!, new story etc. Please stay tuned!

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