Hana and Glasses Rom Com!

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It is now New Years Eve and everyone is getting ready for the new year to come in. Suzuki and the others have come out to visit the shrines to pay their respects to the ones they have lost and make a wish for the future. They ring the bell and clap their hands together. They decided to not tell each other what their wish were as they want them to come true.

They take a look around the stalls before they leave to go home but that was when they bumped into Yuuto, Erika and Hansuke as they were helping out at the Takoyaki stall.

"Happy New Year guys!", greeted Yuuto.

"Happy New Year to you guys too!", responded Suzuki.

"Would you like some Takoyaki? They're free for you guys!", tempted Erika.

"F....Free!! Alright! I'm hungry!!!", gleamed Suzuki as took a full tray of Takoyaki and ate them.

"Even though we don't see it, you're appietate sure is something.", Hebi pointed out.

"You want some?", offered Suzuki with almost the half the tray gone.

"Sure I'll have one before they go.", accepted Hebi.

"Did you guys have a good Christmas?", asked Hansuke.

"Yes we did....um. Sorry what is your name?", answered Hana while asking a question back.

"Ah! This is the first time we have met. My name is Hansuke Tsukishima. Nice to meet you, Suzuki little sister.", introduced Hansuke.

"Nice to meet you too, Tsukishima-san. My name is Hana Fujimura. Thank you for looking after my brother this year, you guys. ", thanked Hana.

"That's no problem, Fujimura-chan. If anything he's helped us, right guys!", Hansuke pitched.

"He sure did! Even if he is a Womaniser!", jested Erika.

"How many times have we been through this, Erika?!", sighed Suzuki.

"A womaniser, huh?", finished Hana.

"It's not like that! Don't look at your Big Brother like that! I'm not a degenerate!", cried Suzuki comically.

"Nyahahahaha! You sure look like a degenerate.", laughed Keiichineko.

"Huuuh? You wanna go?!", argued Suzuki.

"Keiichineko! Master Suzuki looks nothing like a degenerate!", defended Shinki.

"Will you guys.....can it", raged Anna while smacking all three of them around the head.

"So Tskishima-san, what are you interested in?", inquired Hana.

"Ohh....My love radar is tingling. What do you say, Hikari?", teased Anna while whispering.

"I can sense it too. Look! Look! She was blushing while speaking to him and now she's gone even more red!", joked Hikari.

"My, my. You go, Hana.", cheered Himari.

"Stop embarrassing me!", blushed Hana.

"Shall we split up and meet each other here later? I say Hana and Tskishima-san go together!", Himari paired.

"Mum!!!", pouted Hana as she wanted to stop her from embarrassing her. 

"Sounds good!", agreed Suzuki and the others.

They all split into their groups and go off on their merry way leaving Hansuke and Hana alone together.

"What was all that about?", wondered Hansuke.

"I wonder?", replied Hana.

They both turn to the side to hide their embarrassment of being near each other.

"W-What the hell is going on here?! Suzuki's little sister is really cute!!! I can't....I can't fancy my friends little sister?!", thought Hansuke. 

"What's wrong with me?! Suzuki's friend is really handsome! I feel like a girl from a shoujo manga!", panicked Hana internally.

"S-Shall we head off to the stalls around the corner?", questioned Hansuke.

"S-Sure! L-Let's go!", stuttered Hana while she felt nervous.

And so, both the nervous teens head off towards the other stalls. The go from all the food stalls that were selling treats such as Chocolate Bananas to all the entertainment stalls that were doing the shooting range game.

Hana wanted the big black cat stuffed animal that somewhat resembled Keiichineko. Knowing what he needed to do, Hansuke sets up to the plate and picks up the BB pellet gun and begins to aim down the sight to shot the target to win the stuffed toy.

"With my glasses! I can see right through the clouds! I'm one with the gun!", chanted Hansuke.

"Hahahaha! You're funny, Tskishima-san.", smiled Hana.

Hansuke feels really happy about the compliment that Hana just gave him but he doesn't let that distract him from the task at hand. He puts his full concentration into this shot and....Bang! The BB pellet shot out like a rocket aiming for the stars.

Just like he predicated, he ended up hitting the middle of the target and wins the Keiichineko like toy. The Stall clerk hands the plush to Hana and begins to tease them both.

"Aren't you a nice couple? Make her happy, boy!", cheered the old clerk.

Feeling embarrassed once more, they both stiffly move away from the stall and make their way to some where else. Hana suggests that they should go and sit out near the Watarano Thames. They stare out at the gleaming river and begin to feel the calmness enter their bodies.

"It's pretty, isn't it?!", bubbled Hana.

"Yeah it sure is. Did you know that Watarano Thames is the only river to have a healthy amount of the Great Sea Bass fish?", revelaed Hansuke.

"Really?! That's amazing!", burst Hana as she was carefully listening to what Hansuke was saying.

"Fu! Fu! Looks like love is blooming, Hikari.", grinned Anna.

"It sure is, Anna!", agreed Hikari while holding her cheeks.

"You guys!", yelled Hana as she heard them teasing her in the background.

"Love? What are you guys on about?", wondered Suzuki as he popped out of nowhere.

"Suzuki! It's not like that!!!!", fretted Hansuke.

"He's right! He's right!", nodded Hana.

Suzuki stood there quietly for a second and then a big mischievous grin grew on his face.

"I see! I see! Good luck you two!", smirked Suzuki jokingly.

"How can he be alert for this but is dense with his own love interests.", wondered Keiichineko.

"That's a main protagonist for you", gibed Hebi.

"It's not like that!!!", the both of them shouted.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! It seems like some sort have a relationship as blossomed with Hana and Hansuke but how will it go?! Find out as we skip to February 14th!!!!

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